Henry's Problems- Love


GCSE Becca 4! (History) Mind Map on Henry's Problems- Love, created by 5washers on 24/05/2013.
Mind Map by 5washers, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 5washers almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Henry's Problems- Love
  1. Could divorce Cathrine of Aragon
    1. She was Catholic.
    2. Cathrine Of Aragon
      1. Had children
        1. Most miscarridges
          1. Only Mary lived
            1. Some were still born or died early.
            2. Henry was worried
              1. He read a bible passage.
                1. 'Thou shalt not marry your brothers wife.'
            3. Henry was in love with Anne Boleyn.
              1. Couldn't Marry Anne
              2. Charles V
                1. If Henry divorced Cath
                  1. Charles would invade the popes land.
                2. The Pope
                  1. Catholic
                    1. Catholics can't divorce
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