Direct and inverse proportion


Its not done yet
Tom Woollin
Mind Map by Tom Woollin, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Woollin
Created by Tom Woollin about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Direct and inverse proportion
  1. Direct proportion
    1. The equation: y=k*x
      1. Example
        1. If Y is directly proportional to X, when X = 12 and = 3. Find the value of X when Y = 8
          1. First, find the constant of proportionality, K. First write the equation-X(pretend there is a direct proportion symbol here)Y. Then turn this into the equation - Y=K*X.
            1. Now we need to find K, since we know that X=12 and Y=3, we can rewrite the equation as 3=k*12, then rearrange it to k=3/12. So we know that k=0.25.
              1. So we have the complete equation now - Y=0.25*X. All we need to do now is put the numbers in. 8=0.25*X. We can rearrange this to be X=8/0.25
                1. When Y=8, X=32
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