Causes of the French Revolution


Junior Certificate History Mind Map on Causes of the French Revolution, created by amydolan on 22/05/2013.
Mind Map by amydolan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by amydolan over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Causes of the French Revolution
  1. The Nobility and clergy paid no taxes.
    1. French thinkers wanted the King to share power with a parliament.
      1. The third estate had to pay all the taxes.
        1. The French people thought the King was too powerful. People also didn't like his wife.
          1. The American War of Independence inspired many French thinkers.
            1. When the Estates-General met, it was undecided as to how the system of voting would work. Eventually, the Third Estate got its way and formed the National Assembly.
              1. The people of Paris attacked the Bastille. It was captured on 14 July and this was what sparked off the revolution
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