72. Seven Basic Emotions Are Universal


Flowchart on 72. Seven Basic Emotions Are Universal, created by Amber Smith-Waters on 12/10/2017.
Amber Smith-Waters
Flowchart by Amber Smith-Waters, updated more than 1 year ago
Amber Smith-Waters
Created by Amber Smith-Waters about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Emotions have physiological connections, are expressed physically through either gestures or facial expressions. They can also result from  certain events, and many times lead to an action. 
  • Moods  are known to last longer than emotions, maybe up to two days. They are not expressed physically and don't come from certain events.
  • Attitudes are more cerebral than moods.
  • Joseph LeDoux has shown that certain areas of the brain are triggered when people are feeling certain emotions. 
  • Facial expressions are universal: gestures are not.
  • Paul Ekman (expert)  reads emotions in facial expressions. 
  • joy
  • sadness
  • contempt
  • fear
  • disgust
  • surprise
  • anger
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