Maori Conversion to Christianity 3.6 flashcards


NCEA Level 2 History Flashcards on Maori Conversion to Christianity 3.6 flashcards, created by Sophie Brokenshire on 17/08/2017.
Sophie  Brokenshire
Flashcards by Sophie Brokenshire, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophie  Brokenshire
Created by Sophie Brokenshire almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does the CMS stand for, and who is the leader and when did they arrive? Church Missionary Society, Samuel Marsden, 1814
What two Maori chiefs from Nga Puhi did Samuel Marsden work with? Ruatara, then Hongi Hika
When was the Stenson and Olssen textbook published? 1989
What did Marsden say to express his desire to convert Maori to Christianity? "It is high time to make known the glad tidings in these dark regions of sin and spiritual bondage."
When did the Wesleyans arrive in New Zealand, and where? 1823, in Whangaroa
What were the names of important Wesleyans? Samuel Leigh, William White and James Stack
What did a missionary write to Marsden about early Maori conduct, and in what year? "They are fully aware of our being completely in their hands, and they are exceedingly insolent." 1810's
Who's daughter perished from TB, and what missionary tried to cure her? Te Rangiuia, Charles Baker
What was the Maori population in 1840? 70,000-90,000
What was the Maori population in 1858? 56,000-62,000
What did a contemporary accredit Maori low fertility rates to? ‘Sterility was due to the depression of spirits and energy’.
What percent of Nga Puhi men were casualties from the Musket Wars? 19%
When did Hongi Hika first acquire muskets? 1807
What two Ngati Whatua and Nga Puhi
In what year did Hongi Hika acquire 300 muskets? 1821
What two iwi had severe fighting in the South Island? Ngati Toa and Ngai Tahu
By 1840, how many Maori had converted to Christianity? 30,000
Give three examples of cultural practises of the Maori that the missionaries disagreed with. 1. Polygamy 2. Cannibalism 3. Infanticide 4. Facial tattooing
What kind of men did the CMS bring to New Zealand? Animal husbandries, blacksmiths, farmers
What regions were not very affected by the Musket Wars, and maintained a demand for equipment such as chisels and axes? Hawkes Bay and Waiarapa
What diseases did missionaries bring to New Zealand? There are five. 1. Venereal diseases 2. Influenza 3. Viral dysentary 4. Measles 5. Whooping cough
What tribe was Te Rangiuia part of? Ngati Porou
What two missionaries had to drink Baker's solution to prove it wasn't poisonous? William Williams and James Stack
Where and when was the first Christian sermon in New Zealand, and who was the preacher? Rangihoua, 1814, Samuel Marsden
What was the first literature to be translated into Maori? Christian gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Who was the most important missionary in developing Maori grammar? Thomas Kendall
By the mid- _______ most missionaries spoke Maori 1830's
Who was William Colenso, and what did he do? CMS, printed Epistles of Paul, to the Phillipines and Ephesians in Maori. By 1840, had printed 74,000 books and pamphlets.
What slaves were freed from Nga Puhi who went back to their tribe to preach the Christian message? Ngati Porou
What did Ngati Porou ex-slave Taumata-a_-Kura say in his sermon to his people? "I have come from Keri Keri and from Paiha and I have seen Williams of the four eyes"
Who opened the first missionary school, where and when? Thomas Kendall, Rangihoua, 1816
What did Marsden say about the change of Maori behaviour in 1828 an "improvement"
What did Wright (1959) argue on why Maori converted? Series of crisis in Maoridom led them to convert Fatal impact theory
What did Owens (1968) argue on why conversion occurred? - Established nature of missionaries - Bible being converted into Maori
How many Maori had converted by 1840? 30,000
What did Marsden say about Maori cultural practises such as facial tattooing? "Tattooing, disfiguring of the face and all their ancient customs should be abolished forever."
What did William Williams say about Satan in relation to Maori culture? 'Satan has obtained a stronghold upon the people and led them captive at his will."
What group were more lenient about Maori cultural practises? Roman Catholics
What did Williams say about Maori legends? "Their superstitions in general are most absurd and extravagant."
What missionary convinced his converts to move to a different pa from the other 'heathens'? Missionary Ashwell
How many Maori showed up to a single service in 1840? 2,000
What did Wright accredit Maori to 'abandoning' their culture to? European culture was evidently superior, so Maori abandoned their own.
What tribe strongly related to the message of Jews as Gods chosen people? Nga Puhi
What syncretic faith argued that the Bible was correct, but missionary interpretation was wrong? Papahurihia
What syncretic group added new deities, and preached a pacifistic message? Pai Marere
What was the syncretic faith of the Maori King movement? Taraio
What syncretic leader said "If they smite you, smite not in return." Te Whiti
What syncretic faith was founded in 1868? Ringatu
When did Maori turn to syncretic faiths? 1850-60's
What did a contemporary Maori leader say regarding land confiscation? "You told us to look to heaven. While we were engaged in that way... You looked down to the earth with a covetous eye to grasp the land."
What were the different missionary religions? (Four). Anglicans, Roman Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians
Where did the Wesleyans stay when they first came to New Zealand? Kerikeri
What did Northcoat and Ofner, 2006 suggest as to why Maori were so interested by the prospect of trade? "intense tribal competition for resources"
When was the Northcoat and Ofner textbook published? 2006
What were the three main aspects of Claudia Orange's 'working accord'? - Joint venture timber trade in the North; 100's of Maori employed by 1840 - Maori involvement in whaling crews - Relationships Makariki with squatter, George Willisher
What did historians comment in relation to the Treaty for interpersonal relations? "A treaty made in bed" (Woods, 2017).
What's an example of a tribe moving for trade? Ngati Maniapoto seeking access to West Coast harbours
What two tribes began to question their own faith because of war and indirectly, trade? Ngati Whatua and Ngati Toa
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