Maletzky (2006) - biological treatment study


7 cards
Ella Middlemiss
Flashcards by Ella Middlemiss, updated more than 1 year ago
Ella Middlemiss
Created by Ella Middlemiss about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Background Some sexual offenders upon release will still pose an immediate risk to the community. These offenders may benefit from medical treatment to reduce sexual drive quickly. In Oregon, a bill has been passed which means that whilst in prison offenders are assessed to see if medication is appropriate. If the offender is a risk the medication can be ordered as a requirement of supervision after prison. MPA is one such drug.
Aim To evaluate the offenders who had been assessed for appropriateness of MPA on or before release. The study follows up those who are appropriate & taking the drug compared to those who were appropriate & not taking the drug. See outcomes of this.
Procedure Retrospective review followed 275 inmates after their release to look at recidivism rates. 134 deemed suitable for receiving MPA. 79 received it, 55 didn't. The supervising officer (parole officer) filled in a questionnaire on whether a new offence had been committed, violation of parole, re-arrest, employment, general well-being of offender.
Results Those who received the medication committed fewer new offences & no new sexual offences compared with the other 2 groups. They also committed fewer parole violations, didn't return to prison and were generally seen as 'doing well'
Conclusion Those recommended to receive & receiving MPA were less likely to reoffend than those recommended but not taking it. It seemed the MPA did reduce sexual drive because even when there were reoffences, they were non-sexual ones.
Strengths Lots of factors included in questionnaire - wider, more ideographic view. Powerful as it looks as it measures effectiveness of drug, rather than how well recommended they are due to control group.
Weaknesses Unethical if they feel forced into it. Culture bias - USA, gender bias. Parole officer filled in self-report method - biased, no inter-rater reliability. Retrospective review - more likely to be inaccurate as in the past.
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