
Mahir As sami  Uddin
Flashcards by Mahir As sami Uddin, updated more than 1 year ago
Mahir As sami  Uddin
Created by Mahir As sami Uddin about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the 3 ways atoms can exist in elements? molecular compound crystal lattices monatomic compound
What are monatomic elements and how many are there? Elements consisting of one type of atom.
What are some special properties of helium,neon,argon? Gas and room temp
what are crystal lattices? Grid like structures
which tytpe of elements are more likely to form crystal lattices? carbs
What are metallic lattices and give an example Atoms in metals form into lattices,for example...you tell me,.I should be asking th e questions
Why can metals be bent and stretched into wires? Because they are malleabe (like mamun)
what is an allotrope (pronounced as all -o -trophy) Different form of the same element
Describe the following oK? DESCRIBE EM
charcoal Dark and long
Graphite Brittle and are good conductors of electrikitty
Diamond Hard,long and shiny
Carbon fibre can be bent or wound together
what does ductile mean? (of a metal) able to be drawn out into a thin wire. able to be deformed without losing toughness; pliable, not brittle.
what is special about mercury? (Its a planet) Mercury is the only metal that is a liquid at standard temperature and pressure. The only other liquid element under standard conditions is bromine (a halogen), although the metals rubidium, cesium, and gallium melt just warmer than room temperature. Mercury has a very high surface tension, so it forms rounded beads of liquid. Although mercury and all of it compounds are known to be highly toxic, it was considered therapeutic throughout much of history. The modern element symbol for mercury is Hg, which is the symbol for another name for mercury: hydrargyrum. Hydrargyrum comes from Greek words for "water-silver" (hydr- means water, argyros means silver). Mercury is a very rare element in the Earth's crust. It accounts for only about only 0.08 parts per million (ppm). It is mainly found in the mineral cinnabar, which is mercuric sulfide. Mercuric sulfide is the source the red pigment called vermilion. Mercury generally is not allowed on aircraft because it combines so readily with aluminum, a metal that is common on aircraft. When mercury forms an amalgam with aluminum,
what are the proprorperties of metals(all of the properties) 2.  Have Luster -shiny  Are Conductors -heat and electricity move through them easily  Malleable – Can be hammered into a different shape  Ductile – Can be drawn into a wire  High Density – Heavy for their size  Metals are solid, except for mercury 3.  Dull – not shiny  Nonconductors – heat and electricity do not move through easily  Brittle – break easily  Most nonmetals are gases at room temperature 4. Properties of Metals Metals have luster. This means they are shiny 5. Properties of Metals Ductile metals can be drawn into wire. 6. Properties of Metals Malleable metals can be hammered into sheets 7. Properties of Metals Metals have a high melting point. They are also very dense. 8. Properties of Metals Conductors Metals are good conductors of electricity and heat 9. Properties of Metals A chemical property of metal is its reaction with water and oxygen. This results in corrosion and rust. 10. Nonmetals 11. Properties of Nonmetals Nonmetals do not have luster; they are dull. 12. Properties of Nonmetals Brittle Nonmetals are brittle so they break easily. This means nonmet
Where are synthetic elements made? in labs
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