EdExcel GCSE History A Unit 1 Exam Technique


A set of flashcards helping you to revise how to improve your mark in the exam for the International Relations exam. Includes sample questions for each section.
Matthew T
Flashcards by Matthew T, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew T
Created by Matthew T over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
EdExcel GCSE History A Unit 1 This unit focuses on the theme of International Relations.
How long is the examination? 75 minutes
How many marks are available? 60 marks
How is the exam set out? There will be six sections, but you should have studied three. DON'T answer questions on sections you haven't studied!
Question a) - Description (2 marks) You need only two sentences. The first sentence should state the factor. The second sentence should develop and support it. You should spend 2 minutes on this question.
Sample questions: Sections 1 and 2 1. a) Describe one feature of the arms race between the Great Powers of Europe. 2. a) Describe one feature of the Treaty of Trianon of June 1920.
Sample questions: Sections 3 and 4 3. a) Describe one feature of the Nazi-Soviet Pact of August 1939. 4. a) Describe one feature of the ideology of the USSR.
Sample questions: Sections 5 and 6 5. a) Describe one feature of the Brezhnev Doctrine. 6. a) Describe one feature of Gorbachev's reforms in the 1980s.
Question b) - Brief explanation (6 marks) You need to have developed statements on three key features (i.e. explain them precisely). This may be causes, events and results. You will get a choice on this question. You should spend 8 minutes on this question.
Sample questions: Section 1 1. b) i) Briefly explain the key features of the Triple Entente. OR 1. b) ii) Briefly explain the key features of the First Moroccan Crisis, 1905-06.
Sample questions: Section 2 2. b) i) Briefly explain the aims of each of the Big Three at the Paris Peace Conference. OR 2. b) ii) Briefly explain the key features of the organisation of the League of Nations.
Sample questions: Section 3 3. b) i) Briefly explain the key features of Hitler's rearmament policy, 1933-36. OR 3. b) ii) Briefly explain the key features of the Sudetenland Crisis, September 1938.
Sample questions: Section 4 4. b) i) Briefly explain the key features of the Yalta Conference. OR 4. b) ii) Briefly explain the key features of the Hungarian uprising, 1956.
Sample questions: Section 5 5. b) i) Briefly explain the key features of the Berlin crisis, 1961. OR 5. b) ii) Briefly explain the key features of the Prague Spring, 1968.
Sample questions: Section 6 6. b) i) Briefly explain the key features of Détente in the 1970s. OR 6. b) ii) Briefly explain the key features of the Soviet collapse, 1989-91.
Question c) - Explanation of causation (12 marks) You need to write an essay for this question on the reasons why an event happened. You will need three reasons, with links and a final judgement prioritising these reasons. You should spend 15 minutes on this question.
Sample questions: Sections 1 and 2 1. c) Explain why the Balkans became known as the "powder keg" of Europe, 1908-13. 2. c) Explain why the German people were so outraged by the Treaty of Versailles.
Sample questions: Sections 3 and 4 3. c) Explain why events, 1931-36, led to the collapse of the League of Nations. 4. c) Explain why Europe became divided between American and Soviet influence, 1945-55.
Sample questions: Sections 5 and 6 5. c) Explain why there was almost a war over Cuba in 1962. 6. c) Explain why American-Soviet relations deteriorated, 1979-85.
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