GCSE Germany 1919 - 1946 (unfinished)


It's not finished yet, my people.
Luiza Almeida
Flashcards by Luiza Almeida, updated more than 1 year ago
Luiza Almeida
Created by Luiza Almeida about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Describe the events at the end of WW1 > 11 November 1918 = Armistice is signed by politicians of the new republic after the kaiser's abdication on the 9th. >Germans saw the ending of the war as a betrayal of the german army (Reichswehr).
Describe the Weimar Republic >First time germans experienced democracy. > Signed by the Treaty of Versailles as well as the armistice >Many people did not like them as a result >Politians became known as "November criminals" because they had stabbed the army in the back (Dolchstoss)
What was the constitution during the Weimar republic? >Article 48 allowed the president to rule without decree >Article 22 allowed all people above the age of 20 to vote. Right to vote was equal and universal and so no discrimination. >Proportional representation: number of votes won in an election directly proportional to number of seats in the Reichstag.
What problems did the Weimar Republic face? > Coalition Governments: Voting system of Proportional Representation did not allow a majority to be won by any party. No political stability ensued as a result. 1923-1930, there were 10 coalition governments. >Frequent Changes Of Governments: 9 elections held during the republic which resulted in a weak and unstable government. >Senior servants and judges did not agree with their liberal political views. > Article 48 proved to be a problem late on
What was the Spartacist rising? >Ocurred January 1919 >Left-wing uprisings throughout Germany by workers and soviet soldiers >Leaders were Karl Liebnecht and Rosa Luxemburg >6th of January: 100,000 communists
Who were the Freikorps? Demobilized soldiers who refused to give back their weapons. 250,000 by March 1919
How were the Spartacists stopped? The Freikorps were called in by the government. Several thousand people were killed and arrested - mainly in Berlin. Both leaders arrested. Luxemburg shot in the head and dumped in the canal on the 5th.
What was the Kapp Pustch? It was a right wing uprising. In 1920, 5000 supporters of Wolfgang Kapp marched into Berlin. Aim was to take down the republic and bring the Kaiser back.
Who drew up the Treaty of Versailles? When was it signed? The Big Three: Woodraw Wilson (US President), David Lloyd-George (British Prime Minister) George Clemenceau (French Prime Minister Signed on 28 June 1919.
What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles? > Germany had to accept all the blame >German army cut to 100,000. No rearmament allowed. >Army allowed to have 6 battleships. No tanks, submarines or planes. >No troops allowed in Rhineland. >German colonies taken away and given to the allies >Lost land and 6 million of its citizens absorbed into other nations. >Had to pay reparations of £6.6 billion to the allies
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