The Approaches (Just started)


A2 Psychology Flashcards on The Approaches (Just started), created by Ashleigh Gildroy on 27/11/2016.
Ashleigh Gildroy
Flashcards by Ashleigh Gildroy, updated more than 1 year ago
Ashleigh Gildroy
Created by Ashleigh Gildroy about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Psychology The Approaches
What is Psychology Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour
Why is Wilhelm Wundt of such importance to psychology Wundt is the founder of experimental psychology. He created the first scientific method in which you could attempt to uncover the thoughts and feelings of people (Introspection)
What is introspection Introspection is looking within yourself in order to gain knowledge of your own thoughts and feelings
Give two problems with introspection 1) It doesn't explain HOW the mind works, therefore doesn't provide us with essential information 2) Can be objective as people are reflecting on their OWN thoughts, which can be edited and not confirmed.
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