Classical Civilisation: The life and times of Cicero


Flashcards on Classical Civilisation: The life and times of Cicero, created by Grace Bennett on 21/05/2016.
Grace Bennett
Flashcards by Grace Bennett, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Bennett
Created by Grace Bennett over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What were some personal challenges Cicero faced? -Born into the Equestrian class. -did not come from a wealthy family, so had to marry into wealth. -Was a 'novus homo', so had to align himself with someone/people who were powerful in the senate.
What were Cicero's political beliefs? -Believed in the republic, and feared that change would result in the mob or an individual holding the power. -Personally advocated the 'Concordia Ordinium', which was the harmony of Equites and the Patricians, working together.
When was the Sextus Roscius trial? -80 BC
Why did Cicero have to be careful in this case? -As Cicero brought forth a conspiracy within the Republic which goes to the very top, implementing Chrysogonus, Sulla's right hand man. -So in his speeches Cicero directly attacks Chrysogonus, but is careful not to involve Sulla in his accusations.
How Did Cicero win over the jury in the Sextus Rosicius trial? -He warned the jury, who were also members of the nobility that Chrysogonus' behaviour would have disastrous effects on them.
When was Cicero's quaestorship, and where was it? -75BC -In Sicily, where He became a popular quaestor due to fairness and how he was just.
What benefits did Cicero's quaestorship give to him? -Created personal support for status of 'Novus Homo'. -Important Sicilians offered access to inner core of Roman elite. -Cicero made efforts to support Roman businessmen who settled in the area, who formed large parts of Equites, who were useful supporters to expand his military career. -Also gave him an advantage, during his aedileship.
What Cicero learn on his way back to Rome after his quaestorship? -The importance of being seen in Rome.
When was the Verres trial, and who were consuls at the time? -70BC -Pompey and Crassus.
Apart from Verres' charges of extortion, what other crimes did Cicero bring up to further convince the ton and jury that Verres was a guilty man? -Cicero brought up Verres's praetorship in Rome and how he exploited Rome. -Brought up Verres's execution of a Roman without trial, as well as the seizure of public property such as the statue of Mercury in the town Tyndaris.
What were some of the problems Cicero faced in trying to obtain evidence for the Verres trial? -He had to face the Metellus brother, who were Verres' in laws, Lucius was the governor of Sicily in 70BC, so tried to prevent Cicero from getting evidence, Quintus was to become consul in 69BC, and Marcus was to be Praetor and president of the extortion court in 69BC. -Cicero also had limited time period, as there were many public games, which was delay the trial, and then it would be 69BC.
How did the trial help to advance Cicero's career? -Made him more popular as he became more of an advocate for the people-Concordia Ordinium, Proved how versatile Cicero was. -Used the Verres trial to align himself with Pompey, as he needed support in the senate. -Beat Hortenius. -Used the trial for self-promotion by self publishing all of the Verrine speeches. -Showed the people of Rome, how transparent Cicero was, which could have improved his electoral prospects for Aedile in 69BC. -Labelled as Defender of the Republic.
When was Cicero's aedileship, and why was it successful? -69BC -Due to Cicero's great relationship with the Sicilians, he was able to keep the cost of grain low, during bad times of grain supply in Rome, making him popular with the people.
How did Cicero support Pompey before and during his praetor in 66BC? -67BC- Lex Gabinia- gives Pompey extraordinary command against the Pirates in the Mediterranean. - Cicero abstained from supporting it directly as he was running for Praetorship, however speaks against the Tribune who was against the law. -66BC lex Manilia- gives Pompey extraordinary command against Mithridates, taking over Lucullus. - Cicero spoke in favour.
When was Cicero elected consul, and why? -He was elected in 64BC, for the consulship in 63BC, and was primarily elected as the Optimates feared Caitline and what he would do as consul.
What was the speech in the run up to the election, and what did Cicero do in it? -64BC, - In toga in candida- In his candidate speech, Cicero spoke about Catiline trying to overthrow the government, the speech was Successful as Cicero was elected consul.
What were two major events in Cicero's consulship? -Rullus Land Law- Cicero made a speech In Rullum against the distribution of free land in Campania and elsewhere to the urban poor, summarised the committee members would be similar to Rexes. He spoke against as you had to be in Rome to stand for it, and thought in was protecting Pompey as he was not in Rome, however Rullus had been a commander under Pompey. -De rege Alexandrino- a speech made made by Cicero against the annexation of Egypt, which was proposed by Crassus, Cicero spoke against it, as he thought he was helping Pompey's interests.
What was the main Catiline conspiracy all about? -Catiline was standing to become consul in 62BC, and he promised that all debts would be cancelled if he was elected. Cicero in attempt to stop Caitline's support, conducted the elections wearing a breastplate. Catiline failed to be elected again, and abandoned constitutional methods, sent Manilius to assemble troops. Cicero received new of this, told the senate who passed the Senates Consultum Ultimum(SCU), allowing cicero to make military preparations. Conspirators then hired assasins to kill Cicero but he avoided this, to make speeches against Caitlin in the Senate, Catiline left to join Manilius, evidence was brought forward in letters, conspirators were arrested and had death penalty, Caesar disagreed wanted trial. Catiline died, Cicero honoured with Pater Patriae.
What happened later in Cicero's consulship which was a consequence of his actions under the SCU? -It was customary for consuls to give a speech at the end of their consulship, however Cicero's was vetoed by Nepos, due to Cicero's actions under the SCU.
What was the Ribirius case and why was it important? -Brought forward by Caesar, as a warning to the senate that what they did, killing Romans without a trial wad wrong. Cicero lost the case, and Ribirius was charged with perdullio (high treason).
How did Cicero alienate Pompey probably considering the Eastern Settlements? -Pompey had created a continuous rind of provinces around the coast, to ensure protection form Parthia, the senate then refused to give land to Pompey's veterans, which he had promised, Cicero did nothing to help.
What letter is prominent in this time? -Letter to Pompey in Asia Minor in 62BC. -Cicero expresses his hurt as he expected Pompey to praise his efforts in his consulship- could be Pompey didn't agree with the SCU, and feeling alienated. -Cicero is flattering of Pompey, and is concerned that Pomepy will ally with Caesar.
When was the bona deal scandal? And what happened ? -62BC -Clodius attended the gathering of the Bona Dea cult dressing up as a woman, this was Sacrilege. -Clodius was brought to trial, and Cicero gave evidence against him, due to his wife, Terentia, pressurising him. -Clodius was eventually acquitted.
What were the outcomes of Clodius' trial? -Increased hostility between optimates and equites. -Cicero gained Clodius' hatred. -Caesar divorced his wife.
When was the formation of the first triumvirate? And what did each member want from it? -61BC -Pompey wanted land for his veterans and his eastern settlements to be ratified. -Crassus wanted a rebate for the equestrian tax, for the farmers he represented. -Caesar wanted the consulship of 59BC, and a wanted the provincial command of Gaul.
Why was the First triumvirate formed? -Cato and Lucullus opposed Pompey's wants as well as Crassus' rebate, Cicero also thought the rebate would be immoral affecting concordia ordinium. -Caesar needed support and had previously supported Pompey and crassus.
What letter is important to this time period? The letter in 59BC to Atticus: -In which Cicero tells Atticus that Caesar proposed Cicero should join his staff in order to keep Cicero out of the way and to save him from Clodius.
What did Caesar do in his consulship? -Caesar's consulship was in the year 59BC. -He secured Gaul for his pro-consulship, then passed these laws: -Ratified Pompey's eastern settlements, allocated land to his veterans and secured a tax rebate for Crassus. -Also passed Lex Campania- a compulsory purchase of the last remaining state land in the Campania for the plebs.
How did Cicero become exiled in 58BC? -In 58BC, Clodius became Tribune, and passed a bill to banish all magistrates who have killed Roman citizens without trial. -He then accuses Cicero of this due to the Catiline Conspiracy, and so in 58BC Cicero was exiled.
What letter is important to this period? -58BC, to Terentia and his family. -Writes about how he feels guilty and responsible for the troubles his family are enduring. -Regrets his rejection of caesar's offer. -Worries about his family.
When does Cicero return to Rome, and how? -Cicero returns to Rome in 57BC. -Helped by a number of people, including Pompey, on a condition he stays quiet by Caesar.
How does Cicero disobey/undermine Caesar as well as the Triumvirate in 57BC? -In 57BC , a tribune spoke to the senate concerning the Campanian Land under Caesar's Agraian Land Act, Cicero proposed a debate concerning the land. -Cicero also appointed Pompey as curator of grain supply, threatening the triumvirate by undermining it.
What year was the Luca Conference, and what happens in it? -56BC-Luca Conference. -The conference was called by Caesar in concern fro the triumvirate was breaking down. Reached an agreement that Caesar's governorship would be extended for 5 years, and Pompey and Crassus would be elected consuls for 55BC and would get Syria and Spain as provinces.
What is a letter concerning this period? -56BC to Atticus: -Cicero is back form exile and is forced to collaborate with the triumvirate: "Since the powerless do not wish to be my friends, I must make sure the powerful are." -The optimise won't back cicero against the triumvirate, so Cicero feels betrayed by them, and after this makes a complementary speech about Caesar/Pompey.
What are things the triumvirate forced Cicero to do? -55BC- Cicero had to defend Caesarians in court which was humiliating for him, as in one case he was booed and he ran away. -56BC Cicero voted in favour of allocating more money and soldiers to support Caesar's Gallic Wars.
What were the series of events which broke up the triumvirate? -54BC, Julia, Pompey's wife and Caesar's daughter died. -53BC Crassus died fighting in the East.
Where did Cicero serve as pro-consulin 51BC? -In 51BC, Cicero served as proconsul of Cilicia, and returned to Rome in 50BC. -He even wrote a letter to Rufus in 50BC of how desperate he was to get back to Rome, and how his province bores him.
Which letter could be of importance during this period, concerning Cicero's family? -In 51BC, Cicero wrote to Atticus, about his family problems between his brother Quintus and his wife, Pomponia who was Atticus's sister.
When did Civil war erupt? And why? -49BC, when Caesar accompanied by the thirteenth legion crossed the Rubicon and marched on Rome, 10th January 49BC.
When did Pompey and the Senate do, when Caesar crossed the Rubicon? -Pompey and the senate fled Rome, and left the treasury. -Pompey went to Brundisium, and Cicero went to Formiae.
What are three important letters during this time period of 49BC? -In 49 BC Cicero writes to Atticus; in which he is very critical of Pompey fleeing Rome, and this handling of it, also voice his distress that one of Pompey's commanders surrendered to Caesar. -In another letter in 49BC to Atticus ; Cicero writes about his political dilemma, asks rhetorical questions, as he doesn't know what he should do, join Caesar or Pompey. -Then in another letter of 49BC, Cicero writes to Caesar: in which he declines to join Caesar and asks him to allow Cicero to broker a peace deal-wishes for reconciliation. And mentions of how Cicero chose them (luca conference).
What are other potential letters within this period? -Cicero in 49BC, receives letters from his family and friends on what to do, ones from Tullia, Mark Anthony and especially Caesar- who advices him if he must do anything, o nothing and stay neutral-threatening undertones.
Where did Caesar go instead of following Pompey to Greece? -To Spain, to defeat Pompey's soldiers there. And then went back to Rome, to be appointed Dictator of Rome.
What did Caesar do in 48BC? -He took his army in pursuit of Pompey.
What wee two decisive battles in 48BC? -The forces of Pompey successively beat off the attacks of Caesar at the battle of Dyrrhachium , however did not go in pursuit of Caesar's retreat. -The forces of Mark Anthony and Caesar defeated the forces of Pompey at the battle of Pharsalus, Pompey promptly fled to Greece, where he was killed by Ptolemy XIII.
When did Cicero return to Italy? 48BC.
What did Cicero do in 47BC? -Divorce Terentia-Blamed her for Tullia's marriage to Dollabella. -He was also pardoned by Caesar, and was able to return to Rome, however he didn't return to politics and spent much hot his time writing.
What did Cicero do in 46BC, and what happened in 46BC? -Caesar was made dictator for 10 Years. -Cicero married Publilia- a wealthy girl who had been his ward.
Who died in 45BC which greatly upset Cicero? -His daughter Tullia, he felt responsible for her death, and also divorced Publilia.
What letter is important in 45BC? -A letter in 45BC, to Atticus: -Cicero wrote about his grief about the death of his daughter, and his lack of involvement in politics.
What happened in 44BC? -Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March, in the senate by 31 conspirators-Cicero was not included. Two of the conspirators were Brutus and Cassius.
What three letters are extremely important in 44BC -In 44BC, Cicero wrote to Atticus: writing about how pleased he was with Caesar's death, saying it was a consolation- and refers to the conspirators as heroes. -In 44BC Cicero wrote Atticus again: however this time he is critical of Brutus in allowing Anthony to take control and how he outmanoeuvred Brutus at Caesar's funeral in his speech. -Another letter in 44BC was again to Atticus: Here Cicero expresses his anger at how Anthony wasn't killed also with Caesar. Also talks about how he advised Brutus to accept Directorship of the corn supply from Asia.
In 44BC Cicero creates the Philippics against Mark Anthony, what does Cicero do and say in them? -Cicero attacks Anthony's legislation and his 'atrocities', Cicero denounces him and in the last speech after Octavian has won a victory over Mark Anthony demands that he be declared a public enemy(hostis)- to which the senate agrees.
What happens in 43BC? --Octavian defeats Mark Anthony at the battle of Mutina-Anthony flees to Gaul. -Octavian marched to Rome and demanded to be made consul. -2nd Triumvirate was made- a proscription list was made, with Cicero on the list, to which he was later caught outside Formiae and beheaded.
What letter is of importance in 43BC? -The letter in 43BC, to Trebonius: Cicero remarks of how angry he is how he wasn't involved in the conspiracy to kill Caesar-wished they had killed Anthony/. -Alos pins his hopes on Octavian to restore the republic.
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