Approaches Defintion


• The origins of Psychology • The behaviourist approach • Social Learning Theory • The cognitive approach • The biological approach
Pip Mooney
Flashcards by Pip Mooney, updated more than 1 year ago
Pip Mooney
Created by Pip Mooney over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Empiricism The belief that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience
Introspection Process by which a person gains knowledge by their own mental and emotional state
Scientific method Use of investigative method that are objective, systematic and replicable
Behaviourist Belief that human behaviour can be explained in terms on conditioning without the need to consider thoughts and feelings
Classical conditioning Learning process when a neutral stimuli is paired with unconditioned stimuli
Operant conditioning Learning through reinforcement or punishment
Punishment Application of an unpleasant consequence following a behaviour (less likely to occur again)
Reinforcement Anything that strengths a response and increase its frequency
Identification Form of influence, individual adopts behaviour to be associated with a group/person
Imitation Action of using someone as a model and copying their behaviour
Meditational processes Internal mental processes between environment and response from individual
Modelling A form of learning, individuals learn behaviours by observing
Social learning theory Learning through observing others and imitating behaviours that are rewarded
Vicarious reinforcement Learning that is not a result of direct reinforcement, but through observing someone else being reinforced
Cognitive Relates to mental process such as perception, memory and reasoning
Cognitive neuroscience Area of psychology dedicated to underlying neural bases of cognitive function
Computer model Process of using computer analogy to explain human cognition
Inference Reaching a logical conclusion based on evidence and reasoning
Schema Cognitive framework, helps organise and interpret information in the brain
Theoretical models Models are to simplify mental processes
Biological approach Views humans as biological organism, providing biological explanations
Evolution Change of successive generations.
Gene Part of a chromosome, carries DNA
Genotype Genetic make-up of an individual
Phenotype Observable characterises of an individual
Natural selection Inherited characterises that enhance an individuals fitness
Neurochemistry Study of chemical and neural processes associated with the nervous system
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