Swansong Revision Resource


GCSE Dance (swansong) Flashcards on Swansong Revision Resource, created by Tamara Lancaster on 20/03/2016.
Tamara Lancaster
Flashcards by Tamara Lancaster, updated more than 1 year ago
Tamara Lancaster
Created by Tamara Lancaster over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who choreographed Swansong? Christopher Bruce
Who created the accompaniment to Swansong? Philip Chambon
Who created the costumes? Christopher Bruce
Who did the lighting? David Mohr
When was it first filmed+ shown? 1989. It was first shown on BBC2 in 1991
How many dancers? 3 (2 guards and 1 victim)
Around how long is the dance ? 32 minutes
What is Swansong about? The interrogation of a prisoner by two guards
What are the movement styles used throughout? Ballet , contemporary , tap ( without tap shoes) and ballroom
What is the breakdown for the 7 sections? Section 1; questioning and aggression Section 2; Humiliation , being friendly Section 3;Leaving the prisoner alone Section 4; Aggression in slow-motion , teasing Section 5;Isolation ( interrogators leave the prisoner alone) Section 6;Aggression with implied weapons Section 7; Leaving the prisoner alone - release/freedom
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