1_Lifespan Development


Flashcards on 1_Lifespan Development, created by keziah.tuhoro on 20/03/2016.
Flashcards by keziah.tuhoro, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by lucykania27 almost 9 years ago
Copied by keziah.tuhoro almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Lifespan Development? This term is used to refer to age-related changes that occur from birth, throughout a person’s life, into and during old age.
Stages of the Lifespan Infancy – birth to two years Childhood – two years to 10 years Adolescence – 10 years to 20 years Early Adulthood – 20 years to 40 years Middle Age – 40 years to 65 years Older Age – 65 years and beyond
What are the areas of Lifespan Development? - Physical (biological) Development - Social Development - Cognitive Development - Emotional Development
What is Nature? Nature (Heredity) -> the transmission of characteristics from biological parents to their offspring via genes at the time of conception.
What is Nurture? Nurture (Environment) -> all experiences, objects and events to which we are all exposed to throughout our entire lifetime
What is the Biological Perspective of Psychology? Focuses on the biological or physiological bases of development.
What is the Cognitive Perspective of Psychology? Focuses on changes in how we acquire, process, remember and use information throughout the lifespan
What is the Behavioural Perspective of Psychology? Focuses on how behaviour is acquired or changes as a result of environmental influences, particularly learning
What is the Socio-Cultural Perspective of Psychology? Emphasises the roles of social and cultural influences on human behaviour and mental processes
What is Adaptation? The continuous process of using the environment to learn and of learning to adjust to changes that occur in the environment.
What is Assimilation? The process of taking in new information and fitting it into and making it part of an existing mental idea about objects or the world.
What is Accommodation? Changing an existing mental idea in order to fit new information. A more sophisticated and advanced process.
What is Schema? A mental idea, or organised mental representation, of what something is and how to deal with it.
Stages of Piaget's Theory -Sensory Motor 0-2 - Pre-Operational 2-7 -Concrete Operational 7-12 - Formal Operational 12+
Criticisms of Piaget's Theory - Key Accomplishments are often achieved by children much younger than the ages proposed by Piaget. - Age ranges vary more widely than Piaget described - Piaget may have overestimated young children’s language ability.
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