Created by Jenna Trost
about 9 years ago
Question | Answer |
Apathy | Lack of emotion or interest |
Ambiguous | Having more than one meaning |
Fervent | Passionate |
Vagrant | A wandering homeless person |
Revere | To worship |
Denounce | To speak out against |
Stagnant | Not moving |
Candid | Honest; Frank |
Impartial | Unbiased |
Ostentatious | Showing off |
Contentious | Quarrelsome |
Reprove | To scold; to find fault with |
Cursory | Hasty, not thorough |
Profligate | Extremely wasteful; wildly extravagant |
Miser | Someone who hoards money |
Jocular | Joking |
Fracas | Uproar; brawl |
Corroborate | To confirm |
Precarious | Dangerously unstable |
Bolster | To support |
Daunt | To intimidate; to discourage |
Superficial | Shallow; on the surface only |
Lucid | clear; easy to understand |
Aesthetic | Concerned with art or beauty |
Prodigal | Extravagant; wasteful |
Assess | To estimate the value of; to measure |
Deter | To prevent, especially by threatening |
Complacent | Smug; self-satisfied; overly confident |
Contempt | Disdain; hatred |
Eloquent | Speaking well; articulate |
Virtue | Moral excellence |
Guile | Cunning; deceitfulness |
Censor | To delete objectionable material |
Hypocritical | Insincere |
Eccentric | Odd; unusual; quirky |
Disdain | Contempt; intense dislike |
Abstract | Theoretical; lacking substance |
Enigma | Mystery |
Inevitable | Unavoidable; bound to happen |
Inferred | Derived by reasoning; implied, as a conclusion |
Diverse | Varied |
Apprehensive | Fearful; worried |
Benevolent | Good; kind-hearted; generous |
Virulent | Very harmful (like a virus) |
Pious (piety) | Deadly religious |
Provincial | Narrow-minded; unsophisticated |
Resignation | Acceptance of a situation |
Resolution (resolve) | Determination |
Servile | Overly submissive; cringing; like a servant |
Diligent | Hard-working |
Refute | to disprove |
Anarchy | lack of government; chaos |
Miser | One who saves greedily |
Discord | Disagreement |
Monotonous | Without variety; tiresome |
Trivial | Unimportant; insignificant |
Profound (profundity) | deep; insightful |
Phenomenon | an observable fact or occurrence |
Tentative | Temporary; not final |
Contemporary | Living at the same time; modern |
Adversary | an opponent; enemy |
Gravity (grave) | seriousness (second meaning) |
Banal | common; dull; ordinary |
Depravity | moral corruption |
Temper | to moderate; to soften |
Censure | to blame; to criticize |
Extol | to praise |
Erratic | Irregular; without direction |
Euphony | Pleasant sound |
Antagonist | Opposition; hostility; resistance |
Arbitrary | Subject to individual judgment |
Austere | Severe; without frills |
Expedite | to make faster or easier |
Heresy | an opinion violently opposed to established beliefs |
Condescend | to talk down to |
Fallacious (fallacy) | false; untrue |
Intangible | Abstract; not capable of being touched or felt |
Arrogant | Acting superior to others; snooty |
Compatible | able to co-exist; harmonious |
Solicity | to ask for; to seek |
Elusive (elude) | tough to catch; hard to pin down |
Facilitate | to make easier; to help |
Static | Stationary; not moving |
Ironic | Satiric; unexpected |
Dogmatic | Stubbornly opinionated |
Flagrant | Shocking; outstandingly bad |
Frivolous | Not serious; trivial; silly |
Taciturn | Quiet; saying little |
Infamous | Notorious; scandalous |
Authoritarian | Like a dictator |
Exhaustive | Thorough; complete |
Profuse | Flowing freely; generous; excessive |
Expedient | Useful for effecting a desired result |
Fastidious | Not easy to please; overly critical |
Prosaic | Uninspired; dull; banal |
Languid | slow; tired; drooping; weak |
Astute | Perceptive; clever |
Brevity | Briefness |
Incoherent | Impossible to understand; chaotic |
Mitigate | To make milder; to make less severe |
Reprehensible | Shameful; bad |
Augment | To add; to increase; to make bigger |
Engender | to create; to produce |
Deride (derision) | to ridicule; to make fun of |
Novel | New |
Solemn | serious; grave |
Ambivalent | Undecided |
Reticent | quiet; uncommunicative; taciturn |
Fervor | passion; zeal; great enthusiasm |
Scanty | Inadequate; minimal |
Pragmatic | Practical |
Didactic | Instructive |
Deference (defer) | a show of respect |
Vacillate | to waiver between choices |
Endorse | to approve of; to give support to |
Conspicuous | easily seen; out in the open |
Negligence | carelessness; neglect; indifference |
Ephemeral | short-lived; fleeting; transitory |
Relegate | To dismiss to an inferior person |
Futile | hopeless; worthless; useless |
Condone | to forgive; to overlook |
Dissent | disagreement |
Conciliate | to sooth; to end a dispute; to reconcile |
Disparity | inequality; difference |
Disparage | to speak badly of; to belittle |
Conventional | ordinary; customary; normal; traditional |
Auspicious | favorable; positive |
Universal | existing or present everywhere |
Fickle | Unpredictable; capricious; whimsical |
Furtive | secretive |
Remorse | sadness; regret |
Respite | A rest; a pause; a break |
Scrutinize | To examine closely |
Coalesce | To come together; to merge; to join |
Orthodoz | Standard; commonly accepted; conventional |
Innate | Inborn; inherited |
Preclude | to prevent; to make impossible |
Efface | To erase; to wipe out |
Marred | Damaged; bruised |
Ameliorate | To make better; to improve |
Prodigious | of enormous quantity or size |
Immutable | Unchanging; permanent |
Stoic | indifferent to pleasure and pain |
Innocuous | Harmless |
Indolence | laziness |
Amiable | Friendly |
Laud | to praise |
Caustic | Burning; uncomplimentary |
Atrophy | to waste away from lack of use |
Meander | to wander randomly |
Instigate | to start trouble |
Heed | to obey |
Virtuoso | an accomplished musician |
Deplete | to use up; to reduce |
Compliant | Submissive; obedient |
Inadvertent | Accidental; unintentional |
Acquiesce | to agree finally; to go along with something |
Levity | Humor |
Belittle | to put down; to disparage |
Extraneous | Irrelevant; extra; unnecessary |
Digress | to stray away from the subject |
Emulate | to copy something admired; to imitate |
Appease | to make peace with; to satisfy |
Sage (sagacious) | a wise person |
Nostalgic | yearning for the good old days |
Assuage | to soothe |
Saccharine | overly sweety |
Stanza | a section of a poem |
Jeopardy | Danger |
Supercilious | Haughty; arrogant |
Avarice | Greed |
Blithe | free-spirited; carefree |
Scrupulous | Careful; diligent; moral |
Volatile | Changeable; unstable; explosive |
Peripheral | on the edge; surrounding; unimportant |
Hedonistic | pleasure-seeking; indulgent |
Amity | friendship |
Benefactor | a generous donor; someone who helps |
Apocryphal | a doubtful origin; mythical |
Slander | to defame; to speak maliciously of someone |
Animosity | hatred |
Stringent | strict; harsh; severe |
Hackneyed | banal; over-used |
Amass | to accumulate; to pile up |
Verbose | wordy; overly talkative |
Trepidation | fear |
Desecrate | to profane a holy place |
Fortuitous | accidental; happening by chance or luck |
Vehement | Urgent; passionate; forceful |
Credulous | gullible; overly trusting |
Blasphemy | heretical departure from accepted practice |
Lax | careless; not diligent; relaxed |
Cryptic | mysterious; puzzling; enigmatic |
Esoteric | Understood only by a select few |
Pretentious | Not fitting in; out of place |
Merger | A joining; a uniting |
Pedestrian | common; ordinary; banal |
Prudent | careful; cautious |
Sycophant | a boot licker; a brown-noser |
Rescind | to repeal; to take back; formally |
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