TOEFL Vocabulary


Memorize English vocabulary for the TOEFL exam.
Flashcards by aliking, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by aliking almost 11 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (6)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Agitate (verb): to excite, to disturb, to stir up agit + ate The washing machine agitates the load of laundry.
Auditorium (noun): a place where one goes to hear something audit+ orium The band played in the school auditorium
Abbreviate (verb): to shorten How does one abbreviate the word “Minnesota”?
Captive (noun, adjective): a person held against his or her own will; held prisoner cap+ tive The captives were taken to the jail.
Deceive (verb): to cause or allow someone to believe something is true when it is actually false; to mislead de + ceive The criminal deceived many people into believing she was honest.
Exclaim (verb): to speak loudly, to cry out in surprise ex + claim The children exclaimed “hurray” when they heard there would be no classes tomorrow.
Incorporate (verb): to unite into one being in + corp + or + ate The artist incorporated paint, photographs, and fabric into her artwork.
Discourse (noun, verb): a conversation, to talk dis + course The discourse between the speaker and the audience was informal.
Fiction (noun): something produce from imagination, an invented story fict + ion The excuse Marvin just gave for not doing his homework is pure fiction.
Fluctuate (verb): to shift back and forth, to move erratically fluctu + ate My body temperature has been fluctuating all day — sometimes I’m hot and sometimes I’m cold.
Legal (adjective, noun): based on law; conforms to law leg + al Jared is working as a legal secretary for two lawyers in New York
Illustrate (verb): to explain by using pictorial examples, to show by using visual examples il + lustr + ate Christopher illustrated his idea on piece of paper for everyone to see.
Memory (noun): the ability to recall past events mem + or + y Geanine has an excellent memory and she can recall things that happened years ago.
Motion (noun): act of moving, action mot + ion Many people find the motion of a rocking chair soothing.
Passion (noun): a strong feeling or emotion pass + ion Barbara has a passion for motorcycle racing.
Postpone (verb): to put off to a later time post + pone The baseball game was postponed because of the storm.
Query (verb, noun): to ask questions, a question query The lawyer queried the witness. I have a query about the origins of the English language.
Science (noun): a system of knowledge sci + ence Claire enjoys science, especially biology.
Soluble (adjective): able to disperse in liquid Sugar is soluble in water.
Obstruct (verb): to block, prevent, hinder The fallen tree obstructed the roadway and blocked traffic for hours.
Contingent (adjective): possible, dependent on something else con + ting + ent Armand’s move to a new apartment is contingent on his getting a raise.
Indivisible (adjective, noun): cannot be separated in + di + vis + ible The Pledge of Allegiance mentions that the United States is an indivisible nation.
Invent (verb): to create through thought or imagination Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and other devices.
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