Diabetes Mellitus


DM of Cats/Dogs
Flashcards by cherrin93, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cherrin93 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Diabetes Mellitus Disturbance of glucose homeostasis
Action of insulin on: - Liver - Muscle - Fat - inhibits gluconeogenesis & increase glycogen production - increase protein synthesis - increase fat storage
Insulin deficiency or resistance results in... - Gluconeogenesis - Protein catabolism - Lipolysis
3 factors causing HYPERGLYCAEMIA in DM 1. Decreased tissue utilisation of glucose, amino acids and fatty acids 2. Increased hepatic gluconeogenesis 3. Accumulation of dietary glucose in circulation
Type I DM 1. Commonly seen in DOGS 2. Insulin- dependent 3. Immune-mediated destruction of pancreatic beta cells that results in progressive and complete loss of insulin secretion 4. Absolute requirement for exogenous insulin
Type II DM 1. Commonly seen in CATS 2. Non-insulin dependent 3. Impaired insulin secretion by dysfunctional beta cells and peripheral insulin resistance (i.e. impairs post-prandial glucose uptake) 4. Loss of beta cell function is usually progressive and may result in complete loss of insulin secretion
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