Glossary Unit 9 - Part 3


SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
puing/puing-puing remnant
rampas, merampas, perampasan, perampas seize/snatch, robbery/seizure/confiscation, robber/looter
rusuh, merusuhi, kerusuhan, perusuh disturbance/chaotic, to create unrest, to disturb, disturbance/riot
saksi, menyaksikan, kesaksian witness, witnessing/watching, testimony
sandera, menyandera, penyanderaan, penyandera, hostage, held-hostage/seized, hostage taker
sangka, menyangka, tersangka suspicious, to suspect, suspect
selamat, menyelamatkan, terselamatkan, keselamatan, penyelamatan, penyelamat safe/unhurt/safe and sound, to save/rescue, saved/salvageable, safety/security/interest, salvation/rescue, rescuer/savior
senggol, bersenggolan, menyenggol, tersenggol touch/nudge, to touch, come into contact with,
serempet, menyerempet, terserempet, serempetan graze, to sideswipe, to get sideswiped, fender bender/grazing
serobot, menyerobot, penyerobot to take away, thief, theft/taking possession
suap, menyuap, penyuapan, penyuap to bribe, bribery, briber
tabrak, menabrak, tabrakan, tertabrak, penabrak collide, collision, struck/collided with, hitter
tampar, menampar, tamparan slap
tegang, menegangkan, ketegangan tense, thrilling, tension
tertib, menertibkan, ketertiban, penertiban in order, to put in order, order, sweeping up/putting in order
tewas, menewaskan killed in action or in an accident, to kill/to murder
tipu, menipu, tertipu, penipuan, penipu trick, swindle, deceived, fraud, imposter
todong, menodong, penodongan, tertodong, penodong threaten with weapon, threaten, holdup man
tolong, menolong, pertolongan, penolong help, to aid/help/assist, helping/aiding, help/aid/assistance, rescuer
tuduh, menuduh, penuduh, tertuduh accuse, accusing, accuser, the accused
ungsi, mengungsi, mengungsikan, pengungsian, pengungsi to flee/ evacuate, evacuation, refugee
wajib, berwajib, mewajibkan, kewajiban, pewajiban required, competent, to oblige/compel, obligation, requiring/obligating
wenang, berwenang, kewenangan, sewenang-wenang (to have) authority/power, competent, jurisdiction/right, at will/tyrannical
*polisi tidur speed bump (idioms)
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