

Flashcards on EG_R03_L20, created by Nariman Rizk on 23/09/2022.
Nariman Rizk
Flashcards by Nariman Rizk , updated more than 1 year ago
Nariman Rizk
Created by Nariman Rizk about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
مسؤول من السفارة an official from the embassy
الرائد major ( police rank)
رئيس مباحث قسم عابدين chief of Abdeen detectives division
خير؟ What is going on?
حيازة مخدرات possession of drugs
بيانات information
بياناته his information
قسم عابدين Abdeen police department
بخصوص regarding
ظروف القبض عليه the circumstances of his arrest
جيبه his pocket
هاخلّي I will let
يتعاون he cooperates
تحقيق investigation
نصيحة advice
قائمة list
محامين lawyers
على انفراد privately
باب door
طول الوقت all the time
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