Croatian_Unit 17_Day 3


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Flashcards on Croatian_Unit 17_Day 3, created by FSI Croatian on 24/07/2022.
FSI Croatian
Flashcards by FSI Croatian, updated 12 months ago
FSI Croatian
Created by FSI Croatian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
sastavljati / sastaviti vladu to form the goverment
uvjerljivo convincingly
stav, stavovi position, belief, attitude
kompromitirati nekoga /nešto to compromise someone / something
vjera faith, religion
temelj foundation, base
okružje environment, millieu
zastupati / zastupiti to represent
vrijednosti values
snaga strength, force, power
smjer direction
potez move
nametati / nametnuti to impose, force upon
skretati / skrenuti s puta to steer off the right path
uvoditi / uvesti to introduce , bring in, install
konkurentnost competitiveness
osiromašivati / osiromašiti to impoverish
stečaj bankruptcy
otputovati to be off somwhere
promatravati / promatrati to observe
zapisivati / zapisati to write down
usredotočiti se na... to focus on...
neodrživ, neodrživa, neodrživo unsustainable
propao, propala perished, run-down
postizati / postići to achieve
neophodan indispensable
varati / prevariti to cheat, deceive
raspoređivati / rasporediti to arrange, allocate
lopovluk thievery
Kako da ne! Of course!
Nikoga nije briga! Nobody cares!
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