Croatian_Unit 5_Day 4


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Flashcards on Croatian_Unit 5_Day 4, created by FSI Croatian on 27/06/2022.
FSI Croatian
Flashcards by FSI Croatian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Created by FSI Croatian about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
službenik, službenica employee
ured office, bureau
suzbijanje korupcije combating corruption
organizirani kriminal organized crime
službena iskaznica official identification
Sjednite! Sit down! Take a seat!
Hoćete li nešto popiti? Would you like something to drink?
za vas for you
sastanak, sastanci meeting, meetings
u Vašoj zgradi in your building
istražujemo korupciju we are investigating corruption
u susjednoj zgradi in the neighboring building
on je rekao / ona je rekla he said / she said
on poznaje čovjeka he knows a man
upoznati to get to know, to meet
na trećem katu on the third floor
umirovljenik, umirovljenica pensioner
on je umro, ona je umrla he died, she died
što se događa what is happening
ona vidi i čuje sve she sees and hears everything
srela sam gospodina I met Mr... I ran into Mr...
preko puta across from
srednja škola High School
čistiti, očistiti to be cleaning / to clean
stanar tenant
ne sjećam se I do not remember
Kako se on preziva? What is his last name?
nasred hodnika in the middle of the hallway
oni imaju psa they have a dog
on ustaje rano he gets up early
ona vozi djecu u školu she drives the kids to school
istražiti to investigate, to research
pitati to ask
on je iznajmio he rented
pitanje a question
par pitanja a couple of questions
nedavno recently
praznik holiday
razgovarati to converse, speak with someone
na hodniku in the hallway
miran, mirna peaceful
previše to much
praznik holiday
baka grandma
životopis biography
živjeti to live
sviđa mi se I like
pomoći to help
ona poznaje she knows, is acquainted with
ljudi people
o njima about them
puno a lot
prijatelj, prijateljica friend
oženjen, udata married man, married woman
nisam siguran, nisam sigurna I am not sure
početi to start
po zanimanju by profession
pravnik, pravnica lawyer
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