

Alphabets- SAT 100 words
Raviteja V K
Flashcards by Raviteja V K, updated more than 1 year ago
Raviteja V K
Created by Raviteja V K over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
portentous ->For example, in a movie ominous music playing in the background while someone turns a dark corner can have a portentous quality, predicting doom for the hapless character ->Roberts’ portentous silence left no sign as to where he was leaning on the case. (adj) of momentous or ominous significance; ominously prophetic; (adj) puffed up with vanity; (adj) describe something that seems be a sign related to a future event — generally an ominous sign.
posterity ->Posterity will judge our generation harshly for having been responsible for depletions of rhinos, black lechwes and other species. (n) refers to the offspring of a person and it often has to do with inheriting property and who is entitled to do so.; all future generations;
potent (adj) having or wielding force or authority; (adj) having great influence; having a strong physiological or chemical effect;
potentate (n) a ruler who is unconstrained by law
pragmatic (adj) guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory; concerned with practical matters; (N) an imperial decree that becomes part of the fundamental law of the land
preamble (n) a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose);
precarious 1. This is a precarious situation as we face the highest levels of food demand in history. 2.a precarious truce (adj) unstable, dangerous or difficult and likely to get worse; 2. affording no ease or reassurance;
precedent (People often refer to a precedent later on as a reference point for how things should be) ->A teacher who lets kids chew gum is setting a precedent that gum-chewing will be OK in the future. (n) an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time (n) a subject mentioned earlier (preceding in time)
precocious ->a precocious achievement (adj) characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude); (adj) appearing or developing early
predominance ->The musical is the one area in which America hasn't lost its predominance (n) the quality of being more noticeable than anything else;
preponderance -->a preponderance of evidence against the defendant ->the preponderance of good over evil ->the least preponderance in either pan will unbalance the scale ->the preponderance of Mother Nature motifs and organic materials exceeding in heaviness; having greater weight; superiority in power or influence; a superiority in numbers or amount;
prerogative ->But it is within the prerogative of the District to make that disappointing choice. (n) a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right)
prescience (n) the power to foresee the future
prevalent ->You may never have seen those things before, and then suddenly they're prevalent. (adj) most frequent or common;
prevaricate (syn. equivocate, palter, tergiversate, beat-around-the-bush) ->go ahead and tell me whether you already knew that meaning, and don’t prevaricate about it — give me the story straight (v) talk in a confusing way, go back and forth, and as deliberately as possible mislead someone. (v) be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
privation (Deprivation usually suggests that someone or something has actually caused the privation) ->nutritional privation ->Functioning societies require individuals who have courage, take risks, accept pain and privation, and think beyond conventions (n) act of depriving someone of food or money or rights;
prodigal ->also use this word to describe something that is very abundant or generous in quantity, such as prodigal praise ->prodigal in their expenditures (adj) recklessly wasteful;
prodigious ->1. a prodigious storm ->2.the young Mozart's prodigious talents ->Cubans rival Southeast Asians as prodigious consumers of rice. 1. (adj) so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe; 2. far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree
prognosticate ->Bush said he’s no pro at prognosticating basketball. (a prediction that's actually thousands of years old.) (v) make a prediction about; tell in advance; indicate by signs
prolific (often are relayed at biological terms) ->flying foxes are extremely prolific ->a prolific pear tree (adj) intellectually productive; (adj) bearing in abundance especially offspring;
prolix (syn. less formal word choice try wordy, verbose, long-winded or drawn out.) ->a prolix lecturer telling you more than you want to know ->Hopkins, who is known for his prickly charm and prolix self-assessments (adj) tediously prolonged or tending to speak or write at great length;
prominent ^ ->a prominent citizen ->this theory is the most prominent feature of the book ->Baroness Scotland, the first ethnic minority attorney general, was another prominent appointment (adj) conspicuous in position or importance; (adj) having a quality that thrusts itself into attention
propel ->Our passions are the winds that propel our vessel. Our reason is the pilot that steers her. Without winds the vessel would not move and without a pilot she would be lost. (v) cause to move forward with force; (v) give an incentive for action;
propensity (If you have a propensity for something, then it's something that comes naturally to you or something you just do a lot) ->Dogs have a propensity to bark, and many people have a propensity for getting annoyed by it. ->We humans tend to have a propensity to conform to our environments more than we’d probably like to admit (n) a natural inclination to do something; (n) a disposition to behave in a certain way;
propitious ->a propitious alignment of planets for space exploration ->propitious gales speeded us along ->Propitious results have also been seen in bladder and kidney cancers ->If you believe in astrology, you might check your horoscope to settle on a propitious day for your wedding (adj) presenting favorable circumstances; likely to result in or show signs of success;
propriety ->If she was pregnant, everyone would cover their mouths and gasp. She'd committed an impropriety ->The auditor general, if he takes up the case, can only review the financial propriety of the use of public funds. (n) correct or appropriate behavior; socially acceptable in speech and behavior - era's standards;
prosaic ->For others, the job has become more prosaic. (adj) lacking wit or imagination; (adj) not challenging; dull and lacking excitement; (adj) not fanciful or imaginative
prostrate (Syn. prone*) (Prostate is a gland found in male mammals) ->Howard retreated to Ridgewood and remained secluded there for months, prostrate with grief (adj) stretched out and lying at full length along the ground; lying face downward; throw down flat, as on the ground; 2. render helpless or defenseless
proverbial ->her proverbial lateness ->the proverbial absentminded professor ->Through their easement of resistance from the market, heavily greased wheels can weaken those pushing the proverbial cart. 1. (adj) widely known and spoken of; 2. of or relating to or resembling or expressed in a proverb
provocative (is often used to describe actions or ways of dressing that cause sexual feelings) (adj) serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; stimulating discussion or exciting controversy;
prowess ->The best you can do is hope you have a wider face and then let your physical prowess speak for itself ->Yet if any region of the world could compete successfully with the United States in technological prowess, it would seem to be Europe (n) a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation
peurile ->I bet it took him 30 minutes to laboriously transcribe his puerile insult. ( if you hear someone talk about puerile toys, they may merely be remarking on the toys of childhood, but it is more likely they are discussing whoopee cushions, fake dog poo, and the like.) (adj) displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; 2. (adj) of or characteristic of a child
pugilist ->Still, Mr. Warner, a former history teacher, has kept a pugilist’s resolve. ->Boxing is a naturally brutal sport; not all pugilists are naturally brutal. (n) someone who fights with his fists for sport; boxer
pugnacious -->Your brother is a pugnacious thug––always ready to use his fists to settle arguments, and he has the strength to do so. ->Over time, it has reduced the number of headlines about its pugnacious tendency to play rough with competitors. 1.ready and able to resort to force or violence; 2. (adj) tough and callous by virtue of experience;
puissant (pew-sant) (Syn. forcible, mighty, strong, steady, unyielding, and vigorous.) ->Despite Mali, the sense that there is a French prerogative in Africa is not as puissant as it once was (adj) powerful and in possession of authority, and is often used to describe the political power of someone, like a prince or president
pusillanimous ->Just read its pusillanimous "statement of support" for Sony in its hour of need. (adj) lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution; contemptibly fearful; 'very-small-spirit' or you don't have the spirit ;
zeal (often used in a religious sense, meaning devotion to God or another religious cause, like being a missionary) ->1.The relentless zeal that pushed them to two early victories in the NBA finals has drained away. 2.-> they disliked his zeal in demonstrating his superiority (n)excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end; a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause); 2. prompt willingness;
zenith -> the high school quarterback hit his zenith in high school, and it was all downhill from there. (n) highest point in an arc traveled by a star or a planet or another celestial body
zany ->They trust me because a lot of the zany one-liners are straight from me because that’s the homework I did. (n) a buffoon in one of the old comedies; imitates others for ludicrous effect; a man who is a stupid incompetent fool;
zest ("zest for life." means live their lives with a lot of flavor and gusto ) ->The included lemon zest extracts are ideal if you only need the lightest exfoliation. (n) a tart spicy quality; vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment; (n) can also be the outer peel of a lemon or orange, which chefs scrape into their dishes when they want to add some tartness and tanginess to a recipe;
Zeitgeist (Whatever seems particular to or symbolic of a certain time is likely part of its Zeitgeist.) ->Woodstock was part of the Zeitgeist of the 1960s. ->Here is a terror organization perfectly suited to the Zeitgeist, skilled in the art of delusion and technological legerdemain. (n) the spirit of the time; the spirit characteristic of an age or generation
zephyr (n) a slight wind (usually refreshing);
zeugma (Some literary experts distinguish a zeugma from a syllepsis by insisting that in a zeugma, only one of the two thoughts should make literal or grammatical sense) ->"She broke his car and his heart" is zeugma ->`Mr. Pickwick took his hat and his leave' is an example of zeugma (n) use of a word to govern two or more words though appropriate to only one
quack (n) an untrained person who pretends to be a physician and who dispenses medical advice;
quaff (stuffing food,quaffing water) ->If you want to heal, you instead have to quaff blood flasks swiped from defeated enemies. (v) to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught;
quaint * ->houses with quaint thatched roofs ->2.quaint dialect words ->3.came forth a quaint and fearful sight"- Sir Walter Scott ->As quaint as these might sound, the techniques are shockingly effective when multiplied by the staggering number of Filipino hands that employ them. 1. (adj) attractively old-fashioned (but not necessarily authentic); 2. strange in an interesting or pleasing way; 3. very strange or unusual; odd or even incongruous in character or appearance;
qualm ( Usually a qualm comes from doubt about an action and a feeling that you are doing, or are about to do, something wrong) (syn. misgivings) ->Walker suggested that he had qualms about drinking the water in other countries he had visited. ->qualms about lying to get into the over-18 dance club (n) uneasiness about the fitness of an action; (n) a mild state of nausea;
quandary (syn. predicament, dilemma, plight, and pickle -> choosing which word to use is a quandary in itself) (N) a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one; (n) state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options
quantum (Outside of physics, the word might be used with "not" to refer to something insignificant, as in "There's not a quantum of truth in what you say.") ->2. quantum leap 2.->There was a connection between Entertainment Studio to publishing with Quantum Break (n) (physics) the smallest discrete quantity of some physical property that a system can possess (according to quantum theory); 2. (adj) sudden, important change
quarry -> 1. stag's heart is the best quarry for hunters 2. ->quarry marble stones 1. (n) animal hunted or caught for food 2. (N)(v) a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate;
quash (If something is quashed it is completely suppressed, usually by something or someone very powerful or authoritative) ->Russia quashed speculation; ->quashed revolution; 2. (v)declare invalid 1. (v) put down by force or intimidation
quay (kay) (n) wharf usually built parallel to the shoreline;
queasy ->If you feel queasy during a flight, both meanings of the word can apply: you may be queasy — as in anxious — because you're afraid of flying. And you may also be queasy — as in sick to your stomach — as a result of the air turbulence (adj) causing or fraught with or showing anxiety; (adj) causing or able to cause nausea
quell (days quell is often used to mean "pacify," as in the police quelling an angry mob or a mom quelling a kid's temper tantrum.) ->quell my hunger ->The agents were attacked in an all-night riot that claimed two lives and was ultimately quelled by federal troops (v) suppress or crush completely; (v) overcome or allay
quench ->3. quench steel 1.quenched his thirst (v) 1. satisfy (thirst) 2.put out, as of fires, flames, or lights 3. cool (hot metal) by plunging into cold water or other liquid
querulous ->It’s perfectly reasonable to make a query; just don’t be querulous if you don’t like the answer you get ->In fact, some querulous readers might even ask, “Are these people real?” (adj) habitually complaining; whiny;
quibble ->"Let's not quibble over price," people will say, usually when they plan to gouge you (v) evade the truth of a point or question by raising irrelevant objections; argue over petty things; (n) an evasion of the point of an argument by raising irrelevant distinctions or objections
quiescent ->2.the quiescent level of centimeter wave-length solar radiation ->3. “a quiescent tumor” 1.(adj) being quiet or still or inactive; 2.not active or activated; 3.(pathology) causing no symptoms;
quietude ->White noise has the curious, counterintuitive effect of making a room louder in order to cultivate a womblike sense of quietude. (n) a state of peace and quiet (hand-in-hand with solitude)
quintessence ->Love, respect, and mutual support between spouses is the quintessence of marriage today. (N) the purest and most concentrated essence of something; (N) the most typical example or representative of a type; (N) the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water; was believed to be the substance composing all heavenly bodies
quip (n) a witty saying or remark;
quisling (Vidkun Quisling, a Norwegian politician, volunteered to help the occupying Nazis rule Norway for Germany) (n) traitor; someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force
quiver * ->2.With each impact, the thousands of keys in their cabinets quiver on their pegs. ->4.They have a point; actually, they have a quiver full of them. 1. (v) shake with fast, tremulous movements; 2. move back and forth very rapidly; vibrating; 3. (n) an almost pleasurable sensation of fright -an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight) 4. case for holding arrows
quixotic (adj) not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic
quizzical ->he had a quizzical expression ->"his face wore a somewhat quizzical almost impertinent air"- Lawrence Durrell ->Their study revealed some interesting trends ranging from the obvious to the quizzical among young people coming of age in the travel industry. (adj) perplexed (as if being expected to know something that you do not know); (adj) playfully vexing (especially by ridicule); mocking,teasing;
quotidian ->By their very nature, black churches pose threats to white dominance in both quotidian and structural ways. -> working or going to school,brushing your teeth are all quotidian (adj) found in the ordinary course of events
profligate ->The city that symbolizes Southern California luxury has come under fire in recent weeks as one of the state's most profligate water users. (adj) unrestrained by convention or morality; (adj) recklessly wasteful; (n) a dissolute man in fashionable society;
herald -> If you've been away from home for a long time, your family might herald your return, especially if you come bearing gifts ->A Grand Slam is so difficult that winning all four majors at any time in one’s career is a much heralded accomplishment itself. 3.->This paper might herald a new era in scientific reports. (n) a person who announces important news; (n) something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone; 3.(adj) greet enthusiastically or joyfully; (v) praise vociferously; (v) foreshadow or presage;
Procrastinate ->He did not want to write the letter and procrastinated for days ->Many college students say they procrastinate because they do their best work under pressure. (v) postpone doing what one should be doing;
masticate ->The cows were masticating the grass (v) grind and knead; (v) chew (food); to bite and grind with the teeth;
equivocate (v) unwilling to make a decision and almost intentionally go back and forth between two choices (v) be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
probity ->he enjoys an exaggerated reputation for probity ->in a world where financial probity may not be widespread ->Mr. Stephanopoulos projects choir boy decency and probity on camera, so he might have wanted to feel better about himself off the set. (n) complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles
peculate ->He knows how pedants hoodwink people, how priests act the hypocrite, how physicians act the rake, how lawyers peculate. (v) appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently for one's own use; (v) embezzle;
peremptory ->Each side will be given 23 peremptory strikes to excuse jurors without giving a reason. ->a peremptory decree ->gave peremptory commands (adj) putting an end to all debate or action; (adj) not allowing contradiction or refusal; (adj) offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power;
apt ** 1.4.->"With his dark, brooding persona, actor Christian Bale is an apt Batman, and audiences are apt to come to the theatres in droves to see him fight villains." -> teens are more apt to feel intensely and take risks without considering consequences 1. (adj) being of striking appropriateness and pertinence; 2. (usually followed by `to') naturally disposed toward; 3. mentally quick and resourceful; 4. more likely to ;
incongruity ->The result created an incongruity of the breast as a source of infant nutrition. (n) the quality of disagreeing; being unsuitable and inappropriate
doting (adj) loving and fond, and tends to spoil you terribly;
droll ->a droll little man with a quiet tongue-in-cheek kind of humor (adj) adorably strange and whimsically cute.
callous ->It’s a callous disregard of the sensibilities of others who are not us. (adj) insensitive or emotionally hardened; having calluses; having skin made tough and thick through wear;
lassitude ->But the medication produced lassitude and I felt constantly on the verge of nausea. ->Yet Obama’s reaction to, shall we say, turmoil abroad has been one of alarming lassitude and passivity. (n) a feeling of lack of interest or energy; weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy; a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness);
lax ->1.such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable; -> Poor food safety is a major concern in China, where standards are lax and scandals involving tainted products are common. 1. (adj) lacking in rigor or strictness; 2. (adj) emptying easily or excessively; 3. pronounced with muscles of the tongue and jaw relatively relaxed (e.g., the vowel sound in `bet')
lurid ->1. "spare me the lurid details" or "spare me the gory details," ->2. a lurid sunset -> 3. moonlight gave the statue a lurid luminence (adj) horrible in fierceness or savagery; 2. shining with an unnatural red glow as of fire seen through smoke 3. ghastly pale
labile (can also be used in psychology to describe someone who is emotionally unstable) -> While the shock memory was active and labile, the mice got to play with females ->Sadness was the least labile, or fluctuating, of the day's reactions and that's not a surprise. (adj) liable to change; (adj) (chemistry, physics, biology) readily undergoing change or breakdown
lachrymose -> Because Mr. Lee’s character has none of her gumption, it’s hard not to feel a twinge of contempt for his lachrymose self-pity. ->The lachrymose British drama “Lilting” pivots on the prickly relationship between two people who are mourning a third. (adj) showing sorrow; sentimental
lackadaisical (similar: listless,lassitude) -> 1. she was annoyingly lackadaisical and impractical ->2. a lackadaisical attempt ->If Mr. Jiao was trying to recruit Mrs. Chen, he was awfully lackadaisical about it. (adj) idle or indolent especially in a dreamy way; lacking spirit or liveliness;
laconic (ant. prolix) (adj) brief and to the point; effectively cut short;
lament ->if you keep saying how sorry you are about something, someone could say, "Enough of your laments!" ->3. we lamented the loss of benefits ->4. we lamented the death of the child (n) a cry of sorrow and grief; 2. (n) a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person; 3. (v) regret strongly; 4. (v) express grief verbally;
lampoon (Imagine you were frustrated by having your allowance reduced, so you wrote a funny play portraying mom and dad as dictators extracting lots of unfair taxes from their people. That's lampooning. And it probably won't help your allowance situation.) ->Capitol Steps The comedy group uses songs to lampoon the government. (v) ridicule with satire; (n) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way;
lancet (A lancer is a soldier bearing a long spear, called a lance, while a lancet is like a tiny spear — sharp on two sides and meant to pierce things) (n) a surgical knife with a pointed double-edged blade; used for punctures and small incisions; (n) an acutely pointed Gothic arch, like a lance;
languid (sim: lackadaisical ,listless,lassitude) (You can describe yourself as languid when you have that feeling of not being entirely awake — kind of lazy in the mind.) ->a languid mood ->a languid wave of the hand ->The relatively languid step-by-step preparation of patients in the emergency room was transformed (adj) lacking spirit or liveliness;
languish (syn. yearn ; fade) ->1. The prisoner has been languishing for years in the dungeon ->But his existing loans languished in deferment, bloating his principal balance. 1. (v) become feeble; (v) lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief; 3. (v) have a desire for something or someone who is not present;
languor ->If you are languishing or becoming weaker, you are showing languor. ->The film has a deliberate yet canny pace that matches the methodical languor of its villain. ->There is no time for languor if you have an exam tomorrow, and you are just beginning to study now. (n) inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy; (n) a relaxed comfortable feeling; (n) a feeling of lack of interest or energy;
latent ->they have latent talents or capabilities. ->latent illness or infection ->I had wet spots on my underwear due to a latent drip that oozed throughout the day. (= Senzai noryoku) (adj) potentially existing but not presently evident or realized; (adj) (pathology) not presently active;
laudable (laudatory=Something or someone that gives praise -> If you've done praise-worthy acts and people will use laudatory words when talking about you.) ->“The general premise of the idea is laudable, but I believe that this violates privacy,” she said. (adj) worthy of high praise;
lavish ->a lavish buffet ->distributed gifts with a lavish hand ->I don't like it when people lavish me with attention (adj) very generous; (adj) characterized by extravagance and profusion; (v) expend profusely; also used with abstract nouns
leery ->Also, be leery about leaving personal information like your credit cards or passport in your hotel room. (adj) openly distrustful and unwilling to confide;
legerdemain (le-ji-di-main) (figuratively to describe some other kind of trickery or deceit) -> No amount of diplomatic legerdemain, it seems to me, can avoid answering this question with a simple yes or no. (n) an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers;
(sim: languid, lackadaisical, listless, lassitude) ->bullfrogs became lethargic with the first cold nights ->She sentenced one lethargic young man to do 25 pushups and film it on his phone. (adj) deficient in alertness or activity;
levee* ->The levee would protect structures where floodwaters would be staged when the diversion channel is needed. 1. (n) an embankment that is built in order to prevent a river from overflowing; a pier that provides a landing place on a river 2. (n) a formal reception of visitors or guests (as at a royal court);
leviathan ->they were assigned the leviathan of textbooks (n)the largest or most massive thing of its kind;
levity (Syn. giddy) ->Her foresight allowed her and her children to start the day with levity instead of stress. ->There was a moment of awkward levity in Scalia’s announcement of the ruling. (n) a manner lacking seriousness; (n) feeling an inappropriate lack of seriousness;
lexicon ->CEO,The corporate lexicon is full of bloodthirsty metaphors. ->"go-ahead run," and "Baltimore chop" are part of the baseball lexicon. (n) a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them; a language user's knowledge of words
liability (A personal liability, however, is some element of your past, your character, or your behavior that damages your reputation.) ->A bank becomes “insolvent” when the value of its assets is less than its total liabilities ->They argued that allowing them would essentially force them to make race-conscious decisions to avoid liability (n) the state of being legally obliged and responsible; (N) an obligation to pay money to another party; (n) the quality of being something that holds you back
liaison* (n) a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship;
libation** (nivedhyam) ->There she made her libations, and spent most of the night in cries and lamentations. ->Each state gets the same treatment: one page each for an introductory essay and libation facts, plus historical, political and pop-culture factoids. 1. (n) the act of pouring a liquid offering (especially wine) as a religious ceremony; 2. (n) (facetious) a serving of an alcoholic beverage; 3. (n) a serving (of wine) poured out in honor of a deity
libel ->The newspaper was accused of libeling him ->Croswell established the notion that a statement is not libel if it is the truth. (v) print slanderous statements against; (n) a false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person; (n) the written statement of a plaintiff explaining the cause of action (the defamation) and any relief he seeks;
limber -> (adj) easily bent; (n)
pliant* (flexible, but less tangible) ->In order to survive the recession, the company had to be pliant and adjust to the new economic conditions. 1. (adj) capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out 2. (adj) able to adjust readily to different conditions; 3. (adj) capable of being easily influenced or manuplated
limpid * (mostly 1,2 used,not 3) ->1.limpid blue eyes ->2.could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool ->3.writes in a limpid style; answer in a single limpid sentence. 1. (adj) clear and bright; 2. transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity; 3. (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable;
lissome (Syn. lithe) ->A star of Italian cinema by age 20, Ms. Lisi drew international attention for her lissome appeal in a range of dramas and farces. (adj) moving and bending with ease; slender, flexible, light, and graceful;
listless (It's not just laziness, it's not just fatigue; an utter indifference to whatever is going on around you makes you listless.) ->In fact, they looked pretty listless in the attack, shut out by the Swedes with few looks on goal. ->Dad ordered two bottles of red wine, I lit a cigarette and gazed at him through listless eyes. (adj) lacking zest or vivacity; (adj) marked by low spirits; showing no enthusiasm;
livid -> If the sky is livid, there's something ominous about it. Similarly, if your skin is livid, there's something wrong — you're either covered with bruises or you're at death's door, anemic and ashen ->1. You order, wait, then when you get livid, you get a refund. 1. (adj) furiously angry; 2. anemic looking from illness or emotion; 3. (of a light) imparting a deathlike luminosity
loll ->His tongue lolled ->If you take your dog for a long run in the hot sun, its tongue will loll out of its mouth. ->If you fall asleep on the bus ride home, your head might loll onto your neighbor’s shoulder. (v) be lazy or idle; (v) hang loosely or laxly
loquacious (adj) full of trivial conversation
lugubrious ->After many lugubrious turns, "breaking bad" ended on an uplifting note. ->There is something still lugubrious and overwrought about “True Detective,” but there’s also a mesmerizing style to it — it’s imperfect, but well made. (adj) excessively mournful; sad, gloomy, or mournful;
lull ** (as in lulling a baby to sleep with a lullaby) 4.->there was a lull in the storm 3.->the fighting lulled for a moment 2.->Don't let yourself be lulled into a false state of security ->It’s supposed to lull you in a sense that it’s all okay. 1. (v) make calm or still; 2. (v) calm by deception; 3. become quiet or less intensive; 4. (n) a period of calm weather
luminary ->It was unclear who was piloting the aircraft but tributes and condolences from Hollywood luminaries poured in on social media. (n) a celebrity who is an inspiration to others;
lustrous [ Anty. limpid, lucid ( reflecting <-> transmitting ) ] ->If someone has a long and successful work history, you might say their career is illustrious, meaning it has been lustrous for a long time. (adj) reflecting light; made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow; (adj) brilliant;
gruntle (v) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of;
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