

Alphabet wise list
Raviteja V K
Flashcards by Raviteja V K, updated more than 1 year ago
Raviteja V K
Created by Raviteja V K over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Intrigue --> Agents of two powers opposing powers intrigue against each other (n) a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends (n) clandestine love affair (v) cause to be interested or curious
Machination (n) a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends
Macabre --> We knew at least one of Cersei’s kids would get it this season after the whole thing began with that macabre prophesy flashback (adj) inspiring horror ; shockingly repellant
maculate (adj) morally blemished ; stained or impure - used for persons or behaviors (adj) spotted or blotched or soiled (v) spot, stain, or pollute, make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically
maelstrom ->Tossed into an American teenage maelstrom, she found comfort playing soccer as well as field hockey. ->Third-century Syria was also a maelstrom of religions, as pagan cults thrived alongside monotheistic religions, some worshipping the sun. (n) a powerful circular current of water ; (n) metaphorically, to describe disasters where many competing forces are at play.
magnanimous (not used for describing oneself but others) (adj) noble and generous in spirit (adj) generous and understanding and tolerant
magniloquent (syn: grandiloquent,bombastic, pompous, and highfalutin) (adj) lofty in style; fancy and flowery language; (adj) speech that sounds very intelligent and important, but may in fact have little substance
maim (v) injure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration or mutilation
regal (syn:majestic, royal , imperial) (adj) belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler
malady (maal-uh-di) (usage: And yet it's got some chronic maladies: distribution costs, diminishing e-book profit shares and the dominance of Amazon as a bookseller.) (n) sickness, illness (n) any unwholesome or desperate condition ;
malaise ('Mal' in french =bad, 'aise' =ease) (n) physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression) (n) slump
malapropism --> She likes puns and malapropisms, homonyms and substitutions, words with multiple meanings and words that seem to have no meaning at all (n) the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar
malevolent (adj) wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred ; (adj) having or exerting a malignant influence
malingerer (syn: skulker, slacker) (n) someone shirking their duty by feigning illness or incapacity
malleable (adj) capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out (adj) easily influenced
manifestation (n) a public display of group feelings (usually of a political nature) (n) an indication of the existence or presence or nature of some person or thing
manumit (v) free from slavery or servitude
mar (v) make something imperfect (v) destroy or injure severely (N) a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body)
martyr (n) one who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty for refusing to renounce their religion (n) one who suffers for the sake of principle
matriarchy (n) a form of social organization in which a female is the family head and title is traced through the female line
matrix (n) an enclosure within which something originates or develops (from the Latin for womb) (n) mold used in the production of phonograph records, type, or other relief surface
maudlin -- Maudlin was a form of the name Mary Magdalene, a character from the Bible represented in paintings as a weeping sinner asking forgiveness from Jesus. Maudlin is often paired with sentimental, or even schlocky, to describe cry-fests, , as in "I can't watch another second of that overly-sentimental, maudlin soap opera. Turn that schlock off." (adj) effusively or insincerely emotional (adj) describe something that brings tears to your eyes, or makes you feel very emotional
schlock (n) cheap, shoddy stuff that's for sale; trashy, low-rent movies, TV shows, or other entertainment
maul -- Tigers, lions, bears––animals with powerful paws and sharp claws, will maul their victims. (v) injure badly by beating and scratching (N)(v) a heavy long-handled hammer used to drive stakes or wedges
maven (n) someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
maverick (n) someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action (n) an unbranded range animal (especially a stray calf); belongs to the first person who puts a brand on it
mawkish --> The movie accentuates the positive without descending into mawkish sentimentality, although here and there it comes close. (adj) effusively or insincerely emotional, (adj) excessively sentimental or so sappy it's sickening
maxim (n) a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits; a word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations
Meager -> If you can remember that you will look emaciated if your diet is meager, you’ll use the word correctly. (adj) deficient in amount or quality or extent ; it doesn't mean adequate––it means not enough
meander --> If your speech meanders, you don't keep to the point. It's hard to understand what your teacher is trying to impart if he keeps meandering off with anecdotes and digressions -->This career thing is less like a straight shot on the freeway, and more like a meandering path through the woods (v) to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course (N) an aimless amble on a winding course
amble --> for a long time it was only used for horses or for those on horseback. We use it for people now, but it still retains some of its horse-like country feel. -->Care to take an amble down a pleasant country road (v) walk leisurely (n) a leisurely walk (usually in some public place)
melancholy --> Adj -"growing more melancholy every hour” “we acquainted him with the melancholy truth” (word for the gloomiest of spirits) (n) a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed (adj) characterized by or causing or expressing sadness (adj) grave or even gloomy in character
mellifluous -- derived from Greek nymph Melissa who discovered honey (adj) pleasing to the ear; something that sounds sweet and smooth
melodramatic (adj) exaggerated, affected, or histrionic , overreacting
menace ^ --> (N) It’s been cleansed of any menace that might have rendered it oppressive. (V) Whaley was shot in the arm after he menaced the sergeant with a knife (n) something that is a source of danger (v) pose a threat to; present a danger to ; express a threat either by an utterance or a gesture
menagerie -->If you really want a backyard menagerie of farm animals after visiting the petting zoo, take a long sniff and remember what comes with them (n) a collection of live animals for study or display
mendacious -->think of the most deceptive, insincere, perfidious, duplicitous, false person you've ever met, and then add the word mendacious to that list (adj) given to lying ; (adj) intentionally untrue
mendicant (adj) practicing beggary ; the word implies extreme poverty (n) a male member of a religious order that originally relied solely on alms
menial (adj) not having or showing or requiring special skill or proficiency ; used to describe unskilled work (especially domestic work) ; (n) a domestic servant
mercantile (adj) relating to or characteristic of trade or traders; profit oriented
mercenary (n) a person hired to fight for another country than their own Other Meanings:- (adj) marked by materialism (adj) profit oriented
mercurial -->"mercurial twists of temperament” Mercury was the ancient Roman god of commerce and messenger of the gods, has the unpredictable personality (adj) liable to sudden unpredictable change (adj) relating to or containing or caused by mercury (as in astrology)
meretricious --> "a meretricious yet stylish book” -->meretricious praise -->meretricious relationships -->Quite often, when good writers write gracelessly, they are trying to sell us on a meretricious concept. -->meretricious flaunting of big fake diamond earrings (adj) tastelessly showy ; based on pretense; deceptively pleasing; like or relating to a prostitute
metaphysical (adj) highly abstract and overly theoretical; without material form or substance;
mettle -->Lets test your mettle -->He proved his mettle by winning fourth time (n) the courage to carry on; guts to follow through
microcosm -->This is a microcosm of what’s happening all across Minnesota -->This incident is microcosm of our whole relationship (n) miniature version of something
mein -->cheerful mein , serious mein -->But below that laid-back mien is a deeply conscientious man. (n) ( type of ) manner of conduct
milieu -->if you have rich friends, you are in upper crust milieu -->milieu of abuse and provety -->milieu is what shapes a person (n) the environmental condition; surrounding culture and everything that makes that up;
militant * (adj) having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends; showing a fighting disposition; (adj) disposed to warfare or hard-line policies
obsequious -->fawning -->toadyish (adj) attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery; bootlicking
mirth -->The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth (n) great merriment; having fun and enjoyment as shown by laughter
misanthrope (n) dislikes all people
misconstrue -->Did their image get convoluted and misconstrued by record labels? (v) interpret in the wrong way
miscreant --> old-fashioned word used by old people (n) a person without moral scruples; lout,lecher,good-for-nothing
misnomer -->If it enters through the skin, it can cause infections and skin ulcers—though calling it a “flesh-eating bacteria,” as many say, is a misnomer. (n) an incorrect or unsuitable name
mitigate -->Affliction is allayed, grief subsides, sorrow is soothed, distress is mitigated. -->“It was a few bad apples” can only mitigate so much. (v) lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of; make less severe or harsh
mnemonic (adj) of or relating to or involved the practice of aiding the memory; (n) a device (such as a rhyme or acronym) used to aid recall
modest ** -->Around 17th century, modest referred to proper or decent dress and behavior especially in women -->(4) a modest salary -->(5) a newspaper with a modest circulation - small in range or scope -->(6) comfortable but modest cottages (adj) 1.suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness; 2.humble 3.not offensive to sexual mores in conduct or appearance 4. not large but sufficient in size or amount 5. limited in size or scope 6. free from pomp or affectation - unpretentious 7. low or inferior in station or quality - inferior
modicum -->If you had a modicum of sense (i.e. any sense at all), you'd be able to see that the pencil you've spent the last five minutes looking for is tucked behind your ear. (n) a small or moderate or token amount
mollify -->I was angry that the guy took my seat, but I was mollified when he offered me one closer to the band. (v) gain the good will of; make less rigid or softer; make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else;
monetary (adj) relating to or involving money
moniker (n) an informal label, often drawing attention to a particular attribute.
monolithic -->the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture -->a monolithic worldwide movement (adj) imposing in size or bulk or solidity; characterized by massiveness and rigidity and total uniformity
monotheism (n) belief in a single God
monotonous -->She can hear the trains stop, then resume their monotonous drone. (adj) sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch; tediously repetitious or lacking in variety
moot * -->When someone accuses you of making a moot point, he's basically saying, "Come on! Let's talk about what's important." -->(4) he organized the weekly moot (adj) 1. of no legal significance (as having been previously decided); 2. open to argument or debate; 3. think about carefully; weigh 4. a hypothetical case that law students argue as an exercise
moratorium -->moratoriums go into effect when something becomes seen as being not okay for now, but might go back to being okay later -->principal put a moratorium on drinking any water at school (n) a legally authorized postponement before some obligation must be discharged; suspension of an ongoing activity
morbid -->morbid details -->morbid curiosity -->a morbid growth (adj) suggesting the horror of death and decay; suggesting an unhealthy mental state; caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology
More -->The mores of the Victorian era prescribed modesty for women (n) (sociology) the conventions that embody the fundamental values of a group; customs, norms, and behaviors that are acceptable to a society or social group - may change from time to time
morose -->It was a positive catharsis. I didn’t come away morose. It was uplifting for me. (adj) showing a brooding ill humor; extremely gloomy and depressed
mortify -->4. mortified Jesus --> I felt like a mortified child who just got ejected from the cool kids table (v) cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of; -serious embarrassment 2. undergo necrosis 3. practice self-denial of one's body and appetites - to teach self-control; 4. hold within limits and control - hold within restraints
motif -->Think about a pattern or design that moves throughout something when you hear motif --> Do you like dresses with a floral motif? (n) a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music; (n) a design or figure that consists of recurring shapes or colors, as in architecture or decoration; a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in literary or artistic work
motley -->motley crew (adj) 1. consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds 2. (n) a type of garment
mull -->I mulled over the events of the afternoon -->mulled cider (v) 1. reflect deeply on a subject 2. heat with sugar and spices to make a hot drink
multitudinous -->multitudinous pirates (adj) too numerous to be counted
necrosis (n) the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply)
munificent -->his father gave him a half-dollar and his mother a quarter and he thought them munificent (adj) overly generous
myriad -->not used in speech but only in written form (n) a large indefinite number; lots of ; loads of
maladroit (ant: adroit) (adj) clumsy, with a hint of overall incompetence
invidious -->The benefit would be granted to all, to avoid creating “invidious distinctions” between rich and poor. (adj) containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice; used to describe an act, thought, opinion or critique that is full of ill will or prejudice
malediction (n) curses , act of wishing evil on others; the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult)
malefactor ->They both identify the tobacco companies as the main malefactor. ->The Microsoft monoculture presented hackers and other malefactors with a colossal and lucrative target. (n) someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime
malfeasance -->Bribes, kickbacks, strong-arming countries, and general malfeasance have plagued the organization for years. (n) wrongful conduct by a public official
malign * -->Hillary publicly maligned all of the women who told the truth about Bill. -->believed in witches and malign spirits (v) speak unfavorably about; BOOTHULU (adj) evil or harmful in nature or influence
mandate -->A politician who believe in higher taxes and then gets elected considers that a mandate to raise taxes (n) a document giving an official instruction or command; (n) the commission that is given to a government and its policies through an electoral victory
mania -->our relentless photo-sharing mania -->society’s meat mania (n) an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action - generally, its used as a suffix to describe over enthusiasm
mantle ** --> (v) The ivy mantles the building ->5. place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders (n) a sleeveless garment like a cloak but shorter; (n) shelf that projects from wall above fireplace; (n) the layer of the earth between the crust and the core; (v) spread over a surface, like a mantle; 5. (n) the cloak as a symbol of authority
martinet -->was a legendary drillmaster for the French army , who was strict and demanding in adhering to the rules -->The Patriots’ head coach, Bill Belichick, a detail-obsessed martinet of Prussian severity (n) someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms
medley (n) a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources;
megalomania -->saying the stunt was inspired by "a drop of megalomania" (n) psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur
missive -->In Their Own Words Four actors read from the final missives of suicide victims (n) a written message addressed to a person or organization
morass -->political morass (n) a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot; anything that bogs you down, overwhelms you, and hinders your progress — like red tape, for example
mordant -->show’s welcome stabs of mordant humor (adj) grim or dark in nature (sense of humor) ; (adj) of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action; 3. so generally it refers to a dark or biting artistic style, sense of humor, or psychological outlook
gaffe -->The company's recently been under fire for two separate incidents involving its executives making privacy gaffes (n) a socially awkward or tactless act ; a mistake that embarrasses you in front of others
gallant 1. (adj) having or displaying great dignity or nobility 2. (n) a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance 3. (n) a man who attends or escorts a woman
galvanize * -->The news has galvanized physicists in search of answers. 1. (v) stimulate (muscles) by administering a shock 2. (v) to stimulate to action 3. cover with zinc
gamut * (often used with 'run' :- it aroused emotions that run the gamut of joy, regret, sorrow, and excitement) -->The reasons for people’s disdain for the book run the gamut --> With that in mind, Oregon’s Medicaid began covering the gamut of treatment, regardless of age, in January. 1. (n) a complete extent or range: "a face that expressed a gamut of emotions" 2. (n) the entire scale of musical notes
garb --> Windsor has gotten offers to dress celebrities in her garb, but would rather focus on everyday women, she said (n) clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion (v) provide with clothes or put clothes on
garish (often used to describe colors, clothing, decorations, and other things that can be elegant and tasteful) -->CeCe rejects the possibility of death as vigorously as she refuses to tolerate garish sweaters (adj) to describe something that is overly vivid, bright, showy, and in bad taste
garnish * -->2. His employer garnished his wages in order to pay his debt 1. (v) decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods 2. take a debtor's wages on legal orders;
garrulous (syn. loquacious, gabby) -->Like most of the narrators in this genre, Mr. Thirlwell’s is garrulous and neurotic (adj) full of trivial conversation; person who talks a non-stopping
gaudy * (Syn. meretricious, garish) -->Gaudy optical zoom capability is a weapon of choice for traditional camera companies trying to sell high end compact cameras. (adj) showy, bright and definitely tacky; tastelessly showy; (adj) (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display 2. (n) (Britain) a celebratory reunion feast or entertainment held a college
genial * -->Summoning a host of reporters to the hotel lobby, he lost his ever- genial composure for the first and only time in his public life. (adj) diffusing warmth and friendliness; 2. (adj) of or relating to the chin or median part of the lower jaw
blandness ** -->but the real crime here is blandness and predictability. --> 2.Whitman is taking cover in a genial blandness rather than risking exposure. -->3. the blandness of his confession enraged the judge 1. (n) lacking any distinctive or interesting taste property; 2. (n) the quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner; excellence of manners or social conduct; 3. (n) the trait of exhibiting no personal embarrassment or concern
genteel -->Somehow, in this genteel environment, he developed not only a pitcher’s body, but a kick-your-butt attitude (adj) marked by refinement in taste and manners; noble or refined - adj for gentleman or woman
gentility ^ (n) elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression; noble-type (NOT being GENTLE)
gentry --> The gentry of New York society are the people who make major donations to art museums (n) the most powerful members of a society
genuflect (In our more egalitarian age, genuflecting has taken on a rather insincere and servile meaning. Best not to genuflect, but simply to admire) -->Every time I stepped into his office, I felt the need to genuflect (v) bend the knees and bow in a servile manner; like in-front of kings
germane --> he asks questions that are germane and central to the issue (adj) relevant and appropriate
germinal -->He was in the house band for the germinal pop TV series “Shindig!” (adj) containing seeds of later development
germinate -->the plentiful rain germinated my plants -->Play expands our minds in ways that allow us to explore: to germinate new ideas or see old ideas in a new light (v) produce buds, branches; (v) cause to grow or sprout; (v) work out
gerrymander (Massachusetts governor Elbridge Gerry redrew district boundaries,then a new district looked like a salamander, so they combined Gerry and -mander to create the new word gerrymander) (n) dividing a voting area so as to give your own party an unfair advantage
gestate (Frequently, gestate is used to refer to ideas and plans while they're in the development phase) -->The sequel has been gestating for years, with original director Ridley Scott set to executive produce (v) be pregnant with; (v) have the idea for
gesticulation ->No yelling, and other than the small fist shake there were no gesticulations. (n) a deliberate and vigorous gesture or motion - to attract more attention
ghastly (adj) shockingly repellent; inspiring horror; gruesomely indicative of death or the dead
gibe ** (spelled as jibe but jibe means to agree) ***If you want to jibe with me, don't gibe me. -->1. For Mr. Obama, there is good reason to tolerate any gibes from Mrs. Clinton, real or perceived 1. (v) laugh at with contempt and derision; (n) an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect 2.(v) be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics
giddy ^ -->But while we're giddy to watch the best players in the world labor to make pars, there's plenty else to talk about (adj) lacking seriousness; given to frivolity; (adj) having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling - lightheaded, dizzy
gingerly -->they proceeded with gingerly footwork over the jagged stones (adj) with extreme care or delicacy
gird* -->1. A field that is girded by trees 2. Gird with seat-belt 3. Gird your loins (idiom) - tighten your pants and prepare for battle 3. Cruz, for one, is already girding himself for a possible court decision affirming same-sex marriage. 1. (v) bind with something round or circular 2. (v) put a girdle on or around 3.prepare oneself for a military confrontation or worst conditions
glimmer (A glimmer of an idea is just a small inkling of an idea) -> You don't have a glimmer of what I'm talking about, do you? 1. (N) a small flash of light (especially reflected light) 2. (n) a slight suggestion or vague understanding; 3. (v) shine brightly, like a star or a light
girder (n) a beam made usually of steel; a main support in a structure
girth ->His immediate surroundings had to be remade to accommodate his girth ->Researchers trying to understand the genetic basis of this girth have uncovered a way to make other fruits larger as well (n) the distance around a person's body; (n) stable gear consisting of a band around a horse's belly that holds the saddle in place; (v) tie a cinch around ; it is the distance around its middle part
glean -->**Seeing a word in context lets you glean information about how it's used -->For all the movie’s flashy pyrotechnics and pulverizing techno-ish musical numbers, gleaning an emotional pulse can be challenging. (v) harvest, reap; gather (v) extract info from context
glib ** ->1. a glib tongue ; a glib car salesaman 2. glib promises; glib resume 3. a glib response to a complex question; glib generalizations 4. You’re in a business where you risk danger telling any joke or making any glib comment. 1. (adj) artfully persuasive in speech 2. (adj) having only superficial plausibility 3. (adj) marked by lack of intellectual depth 4. (adj) inappropriate (comments or remarks)
glower -->Olly has lately been seen wrestling with unknown issues and glowering at Snow (v) look at with a fixed gaze (n) an angry stare (v) look angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal disapproval
glum -->Why so glum? (adj) moody and melancholic; (adj) showing a brooding ill humor
glut -->Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient -->See it in the video above and in the glut of .gifs that overtook social media after the show. -->3.Schieldrop said that world oil demand was increasing, but that might not be enough to soak up a global supply glut. (v) supply with an excess of; (v) overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself; (n) the quality of being so overabundant that prices fall
glutinous -->In long, steady shots, it absorbs the unglamorous details of judicial procedure in a single case that unfolds at glutinous pace. (adj) having the sticky properties of an adhesive
goad -->She goaded police officers by saying she could beat them up and saying her necklace was worth more than one officer made in a year ->mom's constant nagging and goading 1.(v) stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick; 2. (v) provoke,as by constant criticism; 3. (v) give heart or courage to 4. (n) a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something
gnarl -->2. the old man's fists were two great gnarls 1. (v) make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath; 2. (v) (n) twist into a state of deformity;
gorge -->use this figuratively when you want to indicate disgust. --> Your "gorge" will most likely rise at the sight of the roasted monkey knuckles. == haraga thatsuva 1. (n) a deep ravine (usually with a river running through it); (n) a narrow pass (especially one between mountains); (n) passage between the pharynx and the stomach; 2. (v) overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
gory -->A room hidden behind a curtain displayed gory photos of rebel-caused civilian causalities (adj) covered with blood; (adj) accompanied by bloodshed
gorget (n) armor plate that protects the neck
gossamer ->“It’s a gossamer thread and we remain sanguine." ->A lettuce leaf is gossamer, floppy and delicate. (n) a gauze fabric with an extremely fine texture; (n) filaments from a web that was spun by a spider; (adj) characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy; (adj) so thin as to transmit light
gouge *** ->5. Usually greedy 3rd parties trying to price gouge the uninformed ->3.The raging waters swept through the zoo, gouged huge chunks out of roads ->1. Out on the range, the horse had experienced everything, including a bull goring that had left a gouge in his rump (n) an impression in a surface (as made by a blow); edge tool with a blade like a trough for cutting channels or grooves; 2. (v) force with the thumb 3. (v) make a groove in 4. (v) obtain by coercion or intimidation 5. (v) stealing by overcharging
gourmand (n) a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess; someone obsessively and unhealthily devoted to eating good food and lots of it
gourmet (n) a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink)
graft ->2. graft the cherry tree branch onto the plum tree -> 3. But critics say Demirel symbolized a culture in which power came before principles, and helped entrench patronage and graft. 1. (n) (surgery) tissue or organ transplanted from a donor to a recipient; in some cases the patient can be both donor and recipient 2. (v) cause to grow together parts from different plants 3. (n) the practice of offering something (usually money) in order to gain an illicit advantage
grandeur ->an imaginative mix of old-fashioned grandeur and colorful art ->These are seedy, small-time cops and robbers, but their story is sometimes ennobled with almost startling touches of visual grandeur (n) to describe something that is splendid or magnificent; (n) the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand;
grandiloquent (usually refers to the way a person behaves or speaks) (adj) lofty in style; (adj) puffed up with vanity; being fancy or pretentious
grandiose ( it's that excessiveness that pushes something grand (large, with an air of distinction) into grandiose (large, but trying too hard) territory.) ->The grandiose vision is to repair democracy; to do that, we have to fix political engagement (adj) big, exaggerated, and over the top; impressive because of unnecessary largeness or grandeur; used to show disapproval (adj) affectedly genteel;
grapple -->grapple for answers ->grapple with budget (v) struggling with something unruly; (v) come to terms with; (n) a tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and holding; often thrown with a rope (n) close combat
gratify (with a small hint of indulgence) ("gratify one's desires" often used disapprovingly) ->It was the most exciting and gratifying experience I had ever had. (v) make happy or satisfied; (v) give satisfaction to;
gratuitous (usually for unnecessary, but also sometimes means inappropriate) ->gratuitous violence — that is, violence that is excessive and offensive ->The complaint details gratuitous strip searches, beatings, broken bones and verbal abuse. (adj) unnecessary and unwarranted; (adj) costing nothing;
gratuity (n) tip
gregarious ->he is a gregarious person who avoids solitude ->Mr. Grinda, gregarious and quirky, was once a shy teenager who liked video games and tennis. (adj) instinctively or temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others;
grievous 1.grievous loss 2. g bodily farm ->3. a grievous fault 1.(adj) causing or marked by grief or anguish; 2. causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm 3. (adj) of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought 4. shockingly brutal or cruel
grimace ->He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do (v) contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state; (n) a contorted facial expression
gripe (a trivial complaint) ->Even Spieth's possible flaws are rendered charming, as on Friday when he chose to gripe out loud on national TV. (v) complain
grisly (syn. macabre) (grizzly=big o'l bear) (gristly=rubber or cartilage-difficult to chew) (adj) shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
groggy ->Her voice was groggy, reminding me that it was one o’clock in the morning. (adj) stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)
grovel ->You don’t have to grovel and beg for a job. (v) show submission or fear
grudging ("Grudging apology" and "grudging acceptance" are probably the two most common uses of this word) ->grudging acceptance of his opponent's victory ->I have also started looking forward to sunchokes, a vegetable that has a hard time getting more out of me than grudging acceptance. (adj) petty or reluctant in giving or spending; of especially an attitude
gruff ->Gruff is the perfect adjective to describe a crotchety old man who rarely leaves his house and yells at any children who dare to cross his lawn ->The school’s gruff security officer wishes him luck on his SATs. (adj) brusque and surly and forbidding; (adj) deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion
guile ->But with firmness and guile, she persuaded reluctant House colleagues to pass a Senate version they disliked. (n) shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception; (N) the quality of being crafty; (n) the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them);
Guise (similar to disguise -> Guise is about trying on new attitudes and mannerisms, such as speaking and acting in the guise of a native in a place where you are actually a tourist. Disguise involves hiding your real identity, disappearing in the new role.) -> Apple Apple’s closed ecosystem and Google’s Android, which operates under the guise of being open. (n) an artful or simulated semblance
gullible ->Nothing is this simple, except for the electorate who are gullible. ->you can't gull me into believing that! (adj) naive and easily deceived or tricked; easily tricked because of being too trusting
gumption ->It takes gumption to get things done — especially difficult things. Someone who takes risks without being afraid has gumption. (n) guts ; fortitude and determination; (n) sound practical judgment;
gustatory (adj) refers to tasting or the sense of taste.
palliative ->A heating pack is a commonly employed palliative for temporarily reducing the pain of strained muscles ->But opponents said lawmakers should focus on expanding access to palliative care. (adj) relieves and soothes, but isn’t expected to cure; moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear; (n) remedy that alleviates pain without curing
palpable (even though the word is often used to describe things that usually can't be handled or touched, such as emotions or sensations) (Palpable is usually reserved for situations in which something invisible becomes so intense that it feels as though it has substance or weight) (adj) capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt; -> a barely palpable dust -> felt sudden anger in a palpable wave ->the air was warm and close-- palpable as cotton ->a palpable lie (obvious lie)
panacea (Use the word to describe an unbelievable solution, like a new law that will make everyone rich, or a robot that does your homework for you.) ->Contribution limits are no panacea; if one door is closed, money will find its way into the political system through another. (n) hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists; (n) a remedy that falsely claims to solve every problem ever;
pandemonium ->The two men with mallets were oblivious to the pandemonium around them. (n) a state of extreme confusion and disorder;
paradigm ->Compulsive consumerism is one example of how the techno-economic paradigm affects individuals. ->When you change paradigms, you're changing how you think about something. (n) a standard or typical example; (n) the generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time; 2. systematic arrangement of all the inflected forms of a word 3. the class of all items that can be substituted into the same position (or slot) in a grammatical sentence
paragon ->"paragon of virtue" or "paragon of patience." ->This doesn't mean that teachers need to be paragons of moral virtue, incapable of making mistakes (n) an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept; (n) model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal
parsimonious (syn. thrifty, frugal, penurious, niggardly, penny-pinching, miserly, tight-fisted, tight) ->Champions League football looked a distinct possibility for a team sparkling in attack and parsimonious in defence. (adj) excessively unwilling to spend; 2. Accounting for observed data with a relatively simple explanation
partisan (If something is prejudicial towards a particular point of view, you can call it partisan) ->The round ended with a stare down between the two fighters to the delight of the partisan crowd of 9,016. (n) a fervent and even militant proponent of something; (adj) devoted to a cause or party (n)a pike with a long tapering double-edged blade with lateral projections; 16th and 17th centuries;
patrician ->The employer wants “a real Knickerbocker,” a patrician with breeding and connections. (n) a person of refined upbringing and manners; (n) belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy
patriarchal (adj) characteristic of a form of social organization in which the male is the family head and title is traced through the male line
pastoral ->This idyllic setting offers nearly ten acres of pastoral fields ->In a culture of rabid partisans, she likes to think she owns herself. 1. (adj) relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle; (n) any art or musical work idealizing the rural life (especially the life of shepherds) 2. (adj) of or relating to a pastor; (n) a letter from a pastor to the congregation
patronizing ->It is thoughtful, intelligent, emotionally poignant, and not remotely patronizing to its target audience or anyone else in the theater. (adj) (used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension
paucity (syn. dearth) ->People in LA don't understand how New Yorkers can live with such a paucity of space ->The Internet, with its explosive growth and paucity of regulation, may be the closest thing to it today (n) an insufficient quantity or number
pecuniary ->he received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services ->It’s hard to put a price, pecuniary or punitive, on that. (adj) relating to or involving money
pedagogy ->pedagogy is recognized as an important profession -> the research was based on a recognized principle in pedagogy known as 'the protégé effect'. (n) the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill; (n) the profession of a teacher;
pedant ->The best critics and philosophers slide, necessarily, to and fro on the scale from butterfly to pedant. (n) a person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit; annoying person who is focused on minor details and book knowledge rather than ordinary common sense
penitent ->The penitent threw herself at the bishop's feet and begged forgiveness for her sins. (adj) feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds; deeply sorry, ashamed, and full of remorse
penurious -->lived in a most penurious manner--denying himself every indulgence -->For instance, China’s one-child policy has produced a penurious generation of young adults who are the sole support for aging family members. (adj) not having enough money to pay for necessities; (adj) excessively unwilling to spend;
penury --->Despite her penury, she has helped 84 youngsters born through rape (n) a state of extreme poverty or destitution
perfidious (syn. quisling) ->Negotiations commenced with the British government, but Albion proved perfidious once again. (adj) tending to betray; especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans; underhanded, treacherous, deceitful — even evil
perilous (adj) fraught with danger;
perish (v) to die, but it suggests a slow, gradual, nonviolent death
pernicious ->pernicious effects of watching too much TV and playing video games all day ->The enemy is climate pollution; coal is merely its most pernicious face. (adj) exceedingly harmful- effect will be in future; (adj) working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way;
perpetuate -> Things that should NOT be perpetuated? Ugly rumors, arms races, and your Aunt Martha's annual fruit cake -> Needless to say, you wouldn't want to perpetuate the acts of perpetrators! (v) cause to continue or prevail;
pertinent (adj) having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand; (adj) being of striking appropriateness
peruse ->Please peruse this report at your leisure (v) examine or consider with attention and in detail; (informally its opposite) read casually,quickly
pervasive ->There is the pungent and pervasive stench of stale beer ->My crush was so pervasive that it overshadowed my memory of Affirmed’s accomplishment ->The issue has created a new cultural mind-set in which poverty is an omnipresent reality and a pervasive fear. (adj) spreading or spread throughout;
pithy ->phrase or statement is brief but full of substance and meaning. Proverbs and sayings are pithy ->They finally got to the pith of the discussion ->You don’t have to spend much time on Twitter to see the #dad hashtag flash by, often accompanied by a pithy observation. (adj) concise and full of meaning
placate (syn. mollify, pacify, ingratiate, gruntle) ->I think they are trying to placate Congress and are going to yes us to death until we go away. (If you placate someone, you stop them from being angry by giving them something or doing something that pleases them) (v) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of;
placid ->remained placid despite the repeated delays ->Her main subject is the placid daily existence of middle-class suburban women: cooking, cleaning, gardening 1. (adj) calm, serene and tranquil; 2. free from disturbance by heavy waves; 3. not easily irritated
specious ->earth must be the center of the universe has been proven to be a specious theory of the solar system. (adj) plausible but false
plebeian ->Both soap operas and reality television shows have been described as plebeian forms of entertainment -> A member of the plebeian class is known as a pleb ->Icy and earthy, Helen Mirren is a rare regal presence in a movie age that values the plebeian over the patrician, and mass over class (adj) of or associated with the great masses of people; (N) one of the common people
gaunt (remember like :- haunt, g-aunt =>great aunt) very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
solemn (remember- "sole man" ) (adj) serious and dignified;
gore * ->An animal with sharp horns, like a bull, can gore a person to death. 1. (n) coagulated blood from a wound; bloody in violence 2. (N) a piece of cloth that is generally triangular or tapering; used in making garments or umbrellas or sails
ingratiating -->with open arms and an ingratiating smile --> A person's smile can be ingratiating, winning people over simply with its charm. (adj) capable of winning favor; (adj) calculated to please or gain favor - in a sly manner;
pliable -->They may or may not choose some pliable patriots to serve as front. (adj) susceptible to being led or directed; (adj) able to adjust readily to different conditions; (adj) capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out; (adj) capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking
plight (usually used for groups of people or animals struggling to survive, or struggling for better lives) -> the woeful plight of homeless people ->2. If you get engaged, you give a plight of your love. (n) a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one; 2. (v) promise solemnly and formally; pledge; give in to marriage; (N) a solemn pledge of fidelity;
plutocracy (n) a political system governed by the wealthy people
poignant ->poignant touches you deeply, might give you a lump in your throat ->poignant anxiety ->poignant grief cannot endure forever (adj) arousing affect; keenly distressing to the mind or feelings;
polarize ->It is not every day that an author has a chance to recast a polarizing character ->2. polarize light waves” 1. (v) cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions 2. (v) cause to vibrate in a definite pattern
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