Neural Conduction and Synaptic Transmission


Chapter 4
Flashcards by carinaflorea1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by carinaflorea1 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Membrane Potential difference in electrical charge between inside and outside of a cell
Resting Potential -70 m V - resting state of polarized neuron
Sodium-Potassium Pump Mechanisims in the cell membrane that exchange 3 sodium (NA+) ions inside the neuron for two potassium (K+) outside the neuron.
Depolarise Decrease the resting membrane potential
Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials (EPSPs) depolarisation that increases the likelihood that the neuron will fire
Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials (IPSPs) Decrease the likelihood that the neuron will fire
Decremental Signals decrease in amplitude as they travel through the neuron
Threshold of excitation if the sum of depolarizations reaches a certain point, an action potential will occur
Action Potential Reversal of membrane potential(from about -70 to +50mV) All or none responses
Intergration combining a number of individual signals into one overall signal over space and time
Voltage-Activated ion channels channels that open up in response to changes in the level of membrane potential
Absolute Refractory Period Immediately after the initiation of an action potential, there is a period in which another action potential cannot be initated
Axodentritic Synapses Synapses of axon terminal buttons on dendrites
Neuropeptides Large neurotransmitters that are short proteins
Ligand Any molecule that binds to another Neurtrasmitter is a ligand to its receptor
Receptor Subtypes There are various types of receptors to which a neurotransmitter can bind to
Ionotropic Receptors Ligand-activated ion channels
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