Zoology Midterm


(Fall 2013) Flashcards on Zoology Midterm, created by j_sunga on 10/10/2013.
Flashcards by j_sunga, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by j_sunga about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Homology characteristics share common ancestry
Analogy same function, different ancestry
Characteristics of Chordates (5) Notochord at some stage, dorsal hollow nerve chord, pharynx, posterial tail, Endostyle/thyroid gland
Chordate Origin Hypotheses (3) From inverted annelid/arthropod, from echinoderm larva, body axis inversion of deuterostome prechordate
Major Vertebrate Innovations (5) Vertebral Column, Head, Jaws, Limbs, Cleidoic Egg
Components of vertebral column (4) backbone, centrum (encloses/replaces notochord), dorsal neural arch, ventral hemal arch (blood vessels)
Extant Classes of Vertebrae (7) Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthys, Amphibian, Reptilian, aves, mammalia
Radiation/Diversification rapid expansion of a clade - adaptive radiation implies particular adaptation driving radiation
Allometry all parts of body do not grow at same rate (ex. lobster claw vs. body)
Isometry proportional growth in all structures
geometric vs. arithmetic growth geometric = x, arithmetic = +
Components of biological design (6) size, shape, environment, strength of materials, force, stability
Steps of early Chordate development (3) cleavage - zygote to multicellular, Gastrulation and neurolation - formation of germ layers, differentiation and organogenesis - germ layers to organs
3 paths of maturation juvenile to adult, larva-metamorphosis-adult, reproduction as larva
Heterochromy change in timing of developmental events across generations
Paedomorphosis maintenance of juvenile traits in adults of descendants (3 types)
Progenesis Hypomorphosis - somatic development ceases before metamorphic threshold
Neoteny deceleration - development proceeds slower, maturation reached before metamorphic threshold
postdisplacement development initiation at later ontogenetic age
Peramorphosis exaggeration of ancestral adult traits in descendant adults
Homeotic Hox Gene function regulate genes involved in formation of body parts
Agnathan groups (3, "4" groups) Hagfish, Lampreys, Conodonts (extinct), "ostracoderms"
major groups of Ostracoderms (4) Pteraspidomorpha, Anaspids, Thelodants, Osteostracans
New Mouth Hypothesis respiratory demands of active lifestyle = driving force, addition of inhalation muscles, modification of first arch into feeding jaws
Characteristics of Placoderms (5) heavy head and thoracic armour, jaws with beak like plates, paired pectoral and pelvic fins, neck joint, flattened bottom
Chondrichthyan characteristics (4) placoid scales, calcified skeleton, internal fertilization, spiracle
Holocephelan modifications (4) no scales, large tapered caudal fin, upper jaw fused to brain case, long spine in front of dorsal fin
Characteristics of Osteichthyes (3) more bone in endoskeleton, swim bladder, strengthened fins
Actinopterygian characteristics (4) large eye and two nostrils/side, teeth on maxilla/premaxilla/dentary, small overlapping scales, kinetic head skeleton
Teleost characteristics (4) ossified vertebrae, homocercal tail, circular scales, skull allowing jaw mobility
Sarcopterygian characteristics (4) appendages with internal bones and muscles, fins still end with rays, cosmoid scales, doubal dorsal fin in early forms
Rhipidistian characteristics (6) ossified vertebral elements, articulated brain case, labryinthodont teeth, internal nostril (choanae), eyes move upward, skull flattened (later forms)
significance of Tiktaalik intermediate characteristics between fish and tetrapods - "fishapod", ribs, limb-like fins, neck, no bony gill covering
hydroxyapatite collagen fibre matrix + calcium phosphate crystals in bone
bone functions (4) support weight, protect soft parts, anchor muscles, store minerals (calcium)
main skeletal components (3) skull (cranium), axial (vertebral column, ribs, sternum), appendicular (limbs and fins)
3 components of the head skeleton Chondrocranium (neurocranium), splanchnocranium, dermatocranium
6 series of bone elements in dermatiocranium facial (marginal jaw), orbital, vault (roofing bones), temporal, palatal, mandibular
Teleost Skull trends increased # of skull bones (liberation between elements), narrow mouth, hinge moved forward, jaws move independently of brain case
Euautostylic Jaw suspension upper jaw braced against brain case, hyomandibula not involved (lungfish)
Amphistylic Jaw Suspension upper jaw supported by hyomandibula, connection with brain case (cartilaginous and bony fish)
Hyostyly contact with chondrocranium throuhg hyomandibula, palatoquadrate can slide forward
Autostyly quadrate attaches chondrocranium and jaw directly, hyomandibula becomes invovled in hearing
Characteristics of fish Axial Skeletons (5) fixed link between first vetebrae and skull (no neck), amphicoelous (concave) centra, only trunk/caudal regional differentiation, notochord or centra, movement by lateral undulation
Types of fins (3) Lobe fins(teleost and lungish)/fin fold fins (cartilaginous)/ray fins (bony fish), median fins (dorsal and anal), caudal fin
Types of fin rays ceratotrichia - keratinized rods (elasmobranchs), lepidotrichia - bone/cartilage elements, actinotrichia - keratinized tips
Basic structure of fish integument epidermis (outside)→ basement membrane→ dermis→ hypodermis? (inside)
Epidermis multiple layers of cells with stratum germinatium at base and progressive flattening (squamous) towards surface)
Dermis network of fibres (mostly collagenous, some elastic) that provide structure
Function of integument (4) physical barrier, respiration/excretion/osmotic regulation, thermoregulation, odours and colours in courtship/defence
Stratum corneum function and derivatives protection against desiccation: scales, feathers hair and claws
Types of dermal scales (4)
Characteristics of fish gills (4) lamellae for surface area, counter current exchange, thin water-blood barrier, gill rakers
types of internal gills (3) pouched gills (lamprey), septal gill (shark), opercular gills (teleosts)
Trends in evolution of gills reduction in # of gill bars and chambers, loss of spiracle and septa
Gas Bladder single elongated sac dorsal to gut
types of gas bladders (2) physostomous - pneumatic duct connects to pharynx, physoclistous - no connection to pharynx
renal portal vein blood from tail region to kidneys
hepatic portal vein digestive system to liver
Basic structure of fish heart
bulbous carteriousus replaces conus in teleost hearts - passively evens fluid pressure generated by beating heart
Early tetrapod theories (4) crossopterygii = sister group, lungfishes and coelacanths = sister, osteolipiformes = sister, lungfishes more closely related to tetrapods than coelacanth
Chiridium muscular limb with well-defined joints and digits
Aconthostega characteristics vertebrae around notochord, limbs have 8 digits, girdles designed to bear weight, tail with fin rays, internal gills
Ichtyostega characteristics robust, lack internal gills, 7 toes
Temnospondyl characteristics robust bodies, flat skulls
Anthracosaur characteristics medium to large, reptile like, semi aquatic/terrestrial predator, robust skull, seymouriamorpoh larvae with external gills
Tetrapod locomotion possibilities (3) Trot - opposing limbs contact ground, tripodal - third point of support (belly or tail), lateral sequence - always 3 limbs contacting ground
Ghost Range range in fossil record where you know there should be an animal/link but no supporting fossils found
Changes from fish to tetrapod (7) Fin→ chiridium, fused shoulder→ true neck, reinforced vertebral column and girdles, back part of skull is shortened and hyomandibula loses attachment to otic capsule, snout elongates and eyse move on top of head, reduction of bone pattern in front of skull, dermal scales modified into scutes or gastralia (found only on belly)
muscles collection of modified cells that generate force along axis of their fibres (contractile)
ways of classifying muscles (3) by location, method of nervous control, microscopic appearance
3 Major Muscle Groups Postcranial, Cranial, Heart and Gut
Types of Cranial Muscles (3) branchiomeric, hypobranchial, extrinsic eye
Postcranial Muscles (2) Trunk (axial), appendicular
role of axial muscles in tetrapods (4) Flexion of vertebral column, movement of rib cage, weight support, movement of head
epaxial muscles in amniotes (3) transversopsinal, longissmus dorsi, iliocostalis
hypaxial muscles (4) dorsomedial, medial, lateral, ventral
appendicular muscles in fish (2) posterodorsal to fin, anteroventral to fin
6 trends in muscles between fish and tetrapods axial diminished/limb more complex, flexible axial function, loss of segmentation, axial associated with girdles, new structures with new muscles, some loss of muscles
Fate of mesoderm divisions (4) myotome - postcranial/some cranial, somitomere - cranial, hypomere - gut and heart, mesenchyme - limb/smooth
Adaptations to reduce drag (4) slime, scales, finlets, keels
Tesserae cartilage mineralized with calcified blocks on surface (seen in sharks)
4 primary tissue types epithelium, muscle, connective tissue, nervous tissue
batoidimorph characteristics (4) bottom dwelling, enlarged pectoral fin fused to head, tail with sharp spine, some with electric organ
Bones of the pectoral and pelvic girdles (3 each) pectoral - clavicle, cleithrum, scapulocoracoid, pelvic - ilium, ischium, pubis
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