physiology OSPE


Flashcards by أطباء2020, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by أطباء2020 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A) what's this test ? B) what's the tract of this sensation? C) give example of ischemic pain . A) pin prick test. B) lateral spinothalamic tract. C) angina pectoris (Cardiac M.)
A) this doctor examines..... B) the receptors of this sensation are..... and adapt... C) the fibers carrying this sensation are's perception in ... D) it's tract is.... A) crude touch B) free nerve endings & hair end organs , rapidly adapted C) C fibers only and the perception in thalamus D) mainly ventral spinothalamic , some in dorsal column
A) this Dr. examines... B) the frequency of the tuning fork is..... and its receptors are... C) if the fork is placed on abdomen , can the patient feel the sensation? D) its afferent fibers are... A) vibration B) below 500, Meissner's corpuscles (till 80 HZ) paccinian corpuscles (till 500 HZ) C) yes he can feel it, but it will be weak. D) A beta fibers
A) this test's called.... for examination of.... B) it's lost in.... C) what is threshold distance?? if it's small this indicates.... A) weber compass test, examines tactile discrimination B) tabes dorsalis C) it's the minimal distance at which person can feel 2 points as separate points. it's small at area with: - large num. of receptors, large area of representation and large num. of afferents with less convergence
A) this Doctor examines...... which is complicated sensation composed of....,...,.... B) it's center is.... C) posterior parietal cortex lesion leads to ..... D) this sensation depends on....... A) stereognosis composed mainly of touch, pressure and temperature. B) somatic association area (5,7) C) loss of fine touch , sense of position and astereognosis D) past experiences and intact sensations and area 5,7
regarding this test : 1- the doctor is examining... 2- in case of A the result is... 3- B result is... 4- B result may be due to... 5- this test may give false results in case of 1- planter reflex 2-normal planter reflex 3- partial positive babiniski sign 4- area 4 lesion 5- deep sleep,coma,anesthesia,infants below 1 year
1-this instrument is called... 2-it's used for... 3-janderassik maneuver helps during these tests to... 4- in case of bilateral UMNL of trigeminal you notice... 5- there is no response of the patient in case of... 1- medical reflex hummer 2- for examination of reflexes , pin prick test , crude touch examination planter and abdomenal scratch reflexes 3-to reinforce jerks and increase gamma facilitatory impulses 4- exaggerated jaw jerk 5- tabes dorsalis , LMNL , poliomyelitis , shock stage of sp. cord lesions
regarding this test: 1- the doctor is examining... 2-it may be lost in... 3-which scoring would you give to a muscle doing only voluntary movement without gravity... 4-hand grip centre is...... 1- muscle power 2-UMNL(wide paralysis) & LMNL (localized paralysis) 3- (2/5) 4-c7,c8,T1
1-this test is called... 2- A shows... 3- B indicates.... 4- sideward or upward drifts and searching movements may present due to 1- test for pronation drift 2- normal person 3- contralateral (right) corticospinal tract lesion 4-loss of position sense
in this photo : 1- the examined nerves are .... 2- in this case there is lesion in... 3- which reflex is used to examine these nerves... 4- this reflex afferent is... 5- it's efferent is... 1- vagus and glossopharyngeal 2- the Left vagus nerve 3- gag reflex 4- glossopharyngeal nerve 5- vagus nerve
regarding this test: A) this test examines integrity of ...... cranial nerves. B) just the direct part of the reflex is lost at case of.... C) direct and indirect reflexes are lost at case of..... D) the pupil not respond to light but respond to accommodation is called..... A) 5th and 7th (trigeminal and facial) B) facial nerve lesion C) trigeminal nerve lesion D) Argyl Robertson pupil
on examination of fundus: A) point A shows...if it is cupping deeply , this indicates.... B) point B shows ..... that diagnoses.... C) point C shows.... D) regarding retinal artery and vein , which is pulsated?! A) optic disk, Glaucoma B) cotton wool spots, Diabetes Mellitus C) Macular area D) retinal vein is pulated
A) this test examines.... B) the center of this reflex is..... C) how is it bilateral?? D) what is its importance...... A) light reflex B) pretectal nucleus C) some of the fibers from optic tract cross to relay at the contralateral pretectal nucleus D) -regulation of light amount enter the eye. - diagnosis of nervous diseases
A) what's the name of this chart.. B) in examination of what is it used? C) what the meaning of 6/18... D) which receptor is responsible for this test... A) landlot's chart B) examines visual acuity C) it means that what the patient sees with maximum acuity from 6 meters , normal persons can see it from 18 meters. D) cones photoreceptors are responsible for visual acuity.
A) what does this doctor examine? B) in case of air conductive hearing loss which ear will hear better ? C) sound is weak in case of.... D) can this test differentiate between both types of hearing loss ? why why not .. A) he examines bony conduction B) in case of AC. hearing loss , sound will be heard better in the defected ear C) sensireceptor hearing loss D) no it can't alone , because the ear hearing better may be the defected one ( air conductive loss) or can be the normal in case of sensireceptor hearing loss in the other ear.
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