Matters of Life and death


Flashcards by Niha, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Niha over 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Why do Christians believe in Life after death? 1) Jesus told a thief on the cross that he would be in heaven that day 2) Jesus said his father's house had many rooms 3) Paranormal evidence of after life 4) Jesus' body was raised from the dead "I believe in the resurrection of the body and everlasting life" - The creed (St Paul)
Effects of belief in the afterlife on Christians lives 1) They have hope that there is something after death 2) They behave nice to go to heaven 3) They follow the rules of the Church 4) They treat others how they would like to be treated 5) "We can cope suffering when we know Heaven awaits us"
How do Christians respond to afterlife? 1) Confession - Repent for their sins 2) Prayer - to be closer to God 3) Doing good work - They know God is watching 4) Putting Christian teachings into action - They follow God's commands and the example of Golden Rule
What do Christians believe about life after death? 1) Immortality of the soul 2) Judgement, heaven and hell 3) Resurrection of the body 4) The existence of Purgatory
Non religious belief in life after death 1) Near Death experiences - They have an 'out of body experience' - Some also see dead relatives or a bright light 2) Paranormal activity - Ghosts are spirits of dead people. Mediums calm to be able to contact the dead 3) Reincarnation - Person's soul is reborn into another body
Non-belief in Life after death 1) There is no evidence - No one returned to prove it exists. 2) Science - It explains everything in the world 3) Humans are mortal - Our body decays after death - Afterlife is impossible 4) Religion is outdated - Religion offers no good evidence of an afterlife
Islamic beliefs about life after death 1) When a person dies, their soul is taken to Barzakh where they will be judged by Allah. On the day of judgement, their body will be resurrected. Then they will either go to al'Jannah or Jhannam (Hell) 2) They believe this life is a test from God
Why do Muslims believe in life after death? 1) The Qur'an teaches that there is life after death 2) Prophet Muhammad taught that there is life after death 3) Islam has six fundamental beliefs and one of these is that there is life after death
What does the UK Law say about abortion? Abortion is allowed if 2 doctors agree with it and before 24 weeks. Main reasons for it are: 1) Risky for the women's mental or physical health 2) The child will be born handicapped 3) Effects the health of any existing kids
Arguments AGAINST abortion 1) Life begins at conception 2) An embryo has the potential to be a human so it has the right to life 3) Even disabled kids have the right to life 4) Some people use it as contraception 5) Killing a foetus is known as murder
Arguments FOR abortion 1) Women have the right to choose - Their body, their choice 2) In cases of rape, abortion should be allowed 3) Abortion is often lesser than two evils 4) Better than having backstreet abortions where women could die
Arguments AGAINST abortion for Christians 1) 'Sanctity of life' 2) Viewed as murder 3) Life is sacred and a gift from God 4) God has a plan for every human 5) Life begins at conception
Arguments FOR abortion for Christians 1) Cannot be sure if life begins at conception 2) In cases of rape, it is the kindest action 3) Abortion is the best choice if mother's life is at risk 4) Jesus taught love thy neighbour and abortion might be the most loving thing to do
Against abortion for Muslims 1) Sanctity of life - Life is sacred and a gift from God 2) Ensoulment - Life begins when soul has entered the foetus as 120 days, some believe 40 days
When is abortion allowed for Muslims? 1) If the mother is dying - The foetus would not exist without the mother and the mother has more responsibilities. 2) Allow before the first 16 weeks 3) In cases of Rape
When is abortion not allowed for Muslims? 1) If the pregnancy is a result of adultery 2) Unplanned pregnancy 3) After 120 days (ENSOULMENT)
2 ways Euthanasia can be carried out? 1) Active euthanasia - Carried out by a doctor performing a deliberate action such as a lethal injection 2) Passive euthanasia - The removal of treatment. E.G; A severely ill person is not given treatment to help them survive.
Arguments FOR Euthanasia 1) Allows the patient to die a gentle, pain free death 2) Saves medical costs 3) Medical staff can focus on patients more chance of recovery 4) Relieves the family burden 5) Dies with dignity 6) Their life, their choice
Arguments AGAINST Euthanasia 1) Sanctity of life 2) Pressurised into choosing euthanasia 3) Doctors can be wrong about diagnosis 4) Helping someone to commit suicide means living with the guilt 5) Hospices provide alternate care for patients
Why some Christians believe Euthanasia is wrong? 1) Goes against sanctity of life 2) Seen as murder 3) Only God has right to take away life 4) Could be used for evil purposes 5) Life should be valued 6) Doctors or relatives may make a decision without involving the patient
Christians FOR euthanasia 1) Some Christians support the view that God intends people to have a good quality of life which people who consider euthanasia do not have. 2) Some may argue that euthanasia is lesser of two evils.
Reasons AGAINST euthanasia for Muslims 1) Life is Sacred because it is given by Allah 2) Allah chooses how long each person lives 3) Suffering is a test of faith 4) Seen as suicide which is not permitted 5) Life is valuble
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