

GCSE Geography terms and definitions.
Flashcards by Kayna, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kayna almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Weathering Rocks are worn down usually by the weather (in situ.)
Erosion The wearing down of rocks- usually in rivers or on coasts
Transportation Movement of eroded material
Deposition Dropping of material that has been carried.
What are the four types of erosion? Corrosion/ Sollution Abrasion Attrition Hydraulic action
What happens in sollution? Water disolves soluble materials.
What happens in abrasion? The bed load in the river eroads away the river bed and river banks.
What happens in attrition? Bed load wears other bed load down. (This doesn't change the river shape.)
What happens in hydraulic action? The force of fast flowing water crashes against river banks.
What are the four types of transporation? Solution Suspension Traction Saltation
What happens in solution? minerals are dissolved in the water and carried along in solution.
What happens in suspension? Fine, light material e.g. sand is carried along in water.
What happens in traction? Large boulders and rocks are rolled along the river bed.
What happens in Saltation? Small pebles and stones are bounced along the river bed.
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