Integrated communication


Briefing and agency
tania queuche
Flashcards by tania queuche, updated more than 1 year ago
tania queuche
Created by tania queuche about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
6 step process LEARN (awareness, knowledge) FEEL (liking, preference) DO (conviction, purchase)
Stickiness factor (tipping point) The message must makean impact. People have to notice the message and talk about it.
Power of context (tipping point) The context influences the ability of people to respond to the message. Human beingstend to respond better the more personal the message is.
Law of the few (tipping point) Somepeople mattermore thanotherswhenit comesto epidemics(wordof mouth)
Activity Bias What if consumer would actually ourchase even without being exposed?
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