Multi Store Model and Memory


Flashcards on Multi Store Model and Memory, created by s42099 on 07/02/2015.
Flashcards by s42099, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by s42099 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Multi-store model
Who created the multi-store model? Atkison and Shiffrin (1968).
What is the capacity of short term memory? 5-9 Pieces of information.
What is the duration of short term memory? 18-30 Seconds.
How is short term memory encoded? Acoustic (sounds)
What is the capacity for long term memory? Unlimited.
What is the duration of long term memory? Potentially a lifetime.
How is long term memory encoded? Semantically (meanings).
What are the 3 types of sensory memory stores? Haptic store (touch) Echoic store (hear) Ionic store (see).
What is memory? A system of retaining information from daily experiences.
Factors effecting long term memory duration. Intention to recall Amount of information to recall Depth of learning.
Factors effecting short term memory capacity. Reading aloud Digit span Individual differences
Evidence for sensory memory. Sperling Aim: To investigate how attentions effects sensory memory Method: Lab experiment and independent measures where participants given a grid to look at. There was two conditions. 1 - asked to look at first row of the grid. 2- asked to look at the whole of the grid. Results: The participants in condition 2 recalled more items on average because they paid attention to more items on the grid. Conclusion: The more we pay attention to the more is can recall, therefore attention does effect sensory memory.
Evidence for short term memory encoding. Conrad Aim: To investigate how sound in an important feature in encoding in short term memory. Method: Lab experiment where students were presented with 6 consonants rapidly on the screen. There were 2 conditions. 1 - Acoustically different. 2 - Acoustically similar. the participants were then asked to write the letters in the correct order. Results: Conrad found those in condition 2 found it harder to recall the words and substituted same sounding words for similar sounding words. Findings: Short term memory in encoded acoustically.
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