CNA Medical Terminology


Important medical terms for CNAs.
Nicolas Parker
Flashcards by Nicolas Parker, updated more than 1 year ago
Nicolas Parker
Created by Nicolas Parker over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
acute sudden onset
AMB ambulatory
Amt Amount
Aspiration Food, fluid, or objects taken into the lungs
AX Axillary
BKA Below the knee amputation
AKA Above the knee amputation
BM Bowel movement
BP Blood pressure
BRP Bathroom privileges
CC Cubic centimeters (30 cc in one ounce)
Centigrade Unit of measurement dealing with temperature
Delta (symbol) change
Chronic long-term (more than 6 months)
D/C discontinue or discharge
Dx diagnosis
ECF Extended care facility
Edema swelling with fluid or water
EKG electrocardiogram
Emesis Vomiting
H&P History and physical
HOB Head of bed
HOH Hard of hearing
HS At bedtime (hour of sleep)
I&O Intake and output
IV Intravenous (inside the vein)
Kardex A type of card file that summarizes info from the medical record
Lt (in circle) left
LTC Long-term care facility
NCS No concentrated sweets
Occult hidden
OOB Out of bed
OT Occupational therapist
Pt Patient
PT Physical therapist
Q Every
Qh, Q2H Every hour, every 2 hours, etc.
QS Every shift
RT Respiratory therapist
Rt (in circle) right
SOB shortness of breath
S/S Signs and symptoms
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