5) Aims of Peacemakers


GCSE History (2) First World War & Peacemaking, 1918-19) Flashcards on 5) Aims of Peacemakers, created by jadesilver on 14/12/2014.
Flashcards by jadesilver, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jadesilver about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who was in the Big Three? Britain, France & USA
What was the date that the Big Three came together? January 1919
What was the name of the Prime Minster of Britain? Lloyd George
Who was the French representative? Clemenceau
Who was the USA President during this? Woodrow Wilson
Where did the negotiations take place? Versailles, near Paris.
What is the first name of this treaty? Paris Peace Conference
What is the final name of this peace treaty? Treaty of Versailles
Who did not have a say in the negotiations? Germany
Who made up the 14 points? President Woodrow Wilson
What is National Self Determination? Where people of a single national group had the right to rule themselves
How severe did Wilson think Germany's punishment should be? Not too harshly, he didn't want them to seek revenge.
How did Wilson want countries in the League of Nations to resolve the disputes? He wanted them to do it peacefully.
Did Wilson think Germany should lose any land from this? If so, how much? If not, why? Germany should lose land but only some
Did Wilson want Germany to pay for reparations? No
Why was USA lenient to Germany? Because they only joined the war in April 1917 and suffered fewer casualties and no damage.
What was Clemenceau two main aims? Security and revenge.
What did Clemenceau promise? To prevent Germany from damaging France again.
Did France want Alsace-Lorraine? Yes because it was a part of their country before Germany took it from then in 1871.
Did France want Germany to pay reparations? Why? Yes to restore industry and farmland which was damaged in war.
Where did Clemenceau want Germany to lose land the most? On the French border to provide a buffer from a future Germany attack.
What did Lloyd George realise during the negotiations? That compromises needed to be made in order to reach an agreement.
Who did Lloyd George agree with - Clemenceau or Wilson? Why? Wilson because he wanted to punish Germany but not to much that it would lead to revenge.
Did the British people want revenge? Yes.
How did Lloyd George win the election in December 1918? What did he promise? He promised to be harsh on Germany.
What did Britain want to protect the most? There naval interests which led to them opposing Wilson's 14 points.
What other thing did Britain want? They wanted to reduce Germans navy and extend the British empire.
What did Britain rely on the most? They relied on trade so it was important to allow Germany to trade again.
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