Education vocabulary (IELTS)


IELTS Education Flashcards on Education vocabulary (IELTS), created by Debora Marchiano on 21/02/2019.
Debora Marchiano
Flashcards by Debora Marchiano, updated more than 1 year ago
Debora Marchiano
Created by Debora Marchiano almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
KINDERGARTEN Pre-school education
Primary school
Secondary school
College Further education
Higher education University = Tertiary education
BA / BSc Bachelor of Art / Bachelor of Science
MA / MSc Master of Art / Master of Science
PhD Doctorate
Online course
Vocational course A course that teaches you skills for a specific job, for instance engineering
Non-vocational course A course that is not related to a specific job but to a general subject instead, such as Biology.
Mathematics / Maths
Science / Physics / Biology / Chemistry / Natural Science
Religious studies
Information Technology (IT)
Physical Education (PE)
Cookery = Domestic = Food science
Lab work = Laboratory experiments
To give out / assign homework
To do / complete homework
To complete / to graduate highschool
Tracing copying = outlining
Tone-deaf Without an ear for music
To enroll on a degree course To put your name down for a degree course
To major in (subject) To choose that subject as your main one for your degree
To attend a lecture To take part in a talk delivered before an audience or a class
To attend a tutorial To go to a meeting with a professor (usually in a small group)
To deliver a lecture / to lecture in (subject) To give a presentation / to about a specific subject at university
Faculty of (Business) Department specialising in (business) at university
Keep up / keep the pace with the work load Maintain the level of study required
Fall behind with studies Fail to keep the pace with the university work
Dissertation A thesis, esp. one written by a candidate for a doctoral degree
Assignment University homework
Project work Group work
Literacy rate Percentage of people in a country able to read and write (literate/illiterate people)
Comprehensive education A comprehensive school is a school type, principally in the United Kingdom; it is a school for secondary aged children, that does not select its intake on the basis of academic achievement or aptitude, in contrast to the selective school system, where admission is restricted on the basis of selection criteria.
Scholarship A gift of money to help a student with his or her studies:
Student loan Money taken by a student in order to afford his studies and that must be payed back (pay off / repay)
Play truant / truancy Skipping school without permission
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