OT Professional Organizations


Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy Flashcards on OT Professional Organizations, created by Robin Decker on 06/10/2018.
Robin Decker
Flashcards by Robin Decker, updated more than 1 year ago
Robin Decker
Created by Robin Decker over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
AOTA * Offers membership for OT students and practitioners * Lobby for profession * NBCOT exam prep * Job/career resources * Lists state statutes & regs on licensure * OTA Leadership development toolkit
AOTA Publications * American Journal of Occupational Therapy * OT Practice
National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy * Not membership * Offers national certification exams - protects consumers * Practice exams * $515 online $ 555 paper exam
Maryland Occupational Therapy Association * Membership only (Lobby for profession) * Offers scholarships * Continuing education * Job posting/annual conference * Fee
Maryland State Board of Occupational Therapy Practice * Offers State License * Protects consumers in MD * Investigates & acts on complaints * Send in completed transcript
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