Music, completed


Flashcards on Music, completed , created by Alex Guest on 27/05/2018.
Alex Guest
Flashcards by Alex Guest, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex Guest
Created by Alex Guest over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is rhythm? A series of notes of different lengths
What is pitch? How high or low a note is
How is harmony created? by combining different pitches at the same time
What is Texture? different layers of music playing together at the same time
What is dynamics? How loud or soft the music is
What is instrumentation? The instruments used in a piece of music
What is melody? a series of pitches that sound tuneful, often the most important part of the music
How long is a minim? 2 beats
how long is a semibreve? 4 beats
What note is 1 beat long? crotchet
What does a quaver rest look like? a seven
Is it the semibreve rest or minim rest that lies on the bottom of the line? semibreve, the minim lies on the top
Complete this phrase: Every _____ Boy ______ Football Every Good Boy Deserves Football
What is used to remember what note is in between the lines? F A C E
True or false: Sharps are shown as this # and flats are shown as b's True
True or false: Major keyed music sounds bright and and happy and minor keyed music sounds dark and sad true
consonant means... this kind of harmony means the notes fit well together
if the music clashes or does not sound nice what is it called? dissonant music
Where does Gamelan Music come from? Indonesia in south east Asia and in particular islands of Java and Bali
Gamelan music mainly consists of what instruments? Gongs, drums, flutes. Also, metal keyed percussion instruments called metallophones (e.g. Bonang, Gender, kendang, saron and Kenong) There are occasional bowed instruments and bamboo rattles
Finish this sentence: Gamelan is often linked to ... and is performed with... it is linked with weddings, funerals and other ceremonies and celebrations and is performed with dancers
What does f mean in dynamics? forte (loud)
What does mf mean in dynamics? mezzo forte (moderately loud)
What does fff mean in dynamics? as fortissimo as possible
What does pp mean in dynamics? pianissimo (very soft)
What does mp mean in dynamics? mezzo piano (moderately soft)
What does ppp mean in dynamics? as pianissimo as possible
What does ff mean in dynamics? fortissimo (very loud)
What does p mean in dynamics? piano (soft)
What is very important in film music and why? Instrumentation because different instruments set different moods and can make parts seem dramatic
What are the things in theme music that usually changes depending on the film? instrumentation, dynamics or tempo
What four different families of instruments make up an orchestra and give examples of them Woodwind (piccolo, flute, oboe, clarinet and bassoon), Brass (french horn, trumpet, trombone and tuba), Percussion (Timpani, cymbals, snare drum, bass drum, triangle celesta) and strings (Violin, Viola, cello and double bass)
when was the baroque period? 1600 - 1750
during the baroque period, what instruments/ family were a vital member of the orchestra the string family, the harpsichord, the oboe or trumpet, occasionally the recorder and playing the bass line with cellos is called basso continou
is baroque music decorated with fast notes or slow notes fast notes (ornamentation) because of how the harpsichord id designed
what does Pachelbel's canon have features of? it is in major key, it has a repeating bass line, called a ground bass and it only uses baroque instruments: violin, viola, cello and harpsichord or organ
what are some famous baroque composers? JS Bach, Handel and Pachelbel
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