"Enchantment" by Guy Kawasaki Flashcards


Full notes: http://bit.ly/2lwDKyD
Rafael Testai
Flashcards by Rafael Testai, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Rafael Testai
Created by Rafael Testai almost 7 years ago
Rafael Testai
Copied by Rafael Testai over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
After setting 1 min goals with an employee. What should you do? • Stay in close contact with the employee. • Observe activities. Look at data that shows how the employee is doing. • Catch them doing something RIGHT.
What are all the steps involved in writing 1 min goals? *memorize 1)Plan the goals together and describe them briefly & clearly. 2)Show people what good performance looks like. 3)Have people write out each of their goals with due dates on a single page. 4)Ask them to review their most important goals each day. Which takes only a few mins to do. 5)Encourage people to take a min to take a look at what they’re doing and see if their behavior matches their goals. 6)If it doesn’t, encourage them to rethink what they’re doing so they can realize their goals.
Should you wait until an employee does something exactly right to praise them? No! The key, in the beginning, is to catch employees doing something approx right until they eventually learn how to do it right.
What does this pic represent in 1 min manager? Praise baby (employee) when they get something approx right in the beginning. "Good job, baby! You crawled!"
When is it the most important time to catch someone doing something right? As they BEGIN a NEW task.
When you catch them doing something right, what should you do? a 1 min praising.
What does this image symbolize in 1 min manager book? Hint: Timig of praising Praise people IMMEDIATELY after they do something right. Pic: Praise dog with cookie immediately after they use wee wee pad.
A) On whom should punishment never be used? B) What should you do instead of punishment? A) Punishment doesn't work when you use it on someone who’s learning. B) Redirect them instead.
Should you leave ppl alone and zap them when they don’t produce results you expect? No.
What are all the steps involved in 1 min praisings? *memorize 1) Praise people ASAP. 2) Inform ppl what they did right. Be specific. 3) Tell ppl how good you feel about what they did right and how it helps. 4) Pause - allow ppl time to feel good about what they've done… 5) Encourage them to continue to do more of the same 6) Make it clear you have confidence in them and support their success.
When should you PAUSE in the 1 min praising/redirect and why is it so important to pause? hint: About 1/3 of the way in? Pause about halfway through the praising/redirect. Pause right after you've given the specific fact & told them how you feel about what they did. Why pause? Bc it allows the person to FEEL good/concern about what they've done.
How long should the PAUSE be? 2-3 seconds
What does this image represent in 1 min redirects? hint: timing Discipline your dog when they are in the act. Not after you come back home. A: Conduct the 1 min redirect ASAP from when the employee commits the mistake. Don't wait.
Should you fear giving 1 min redirects? NO!
How many steps are there in a redirect and what are they? *memorize Two steps. 1) Review what has gone wrong. Be specific. 2) "You're better than your mistake. I have confidence and trust in you."
What must I, as the manager, make sure I own responsibility for in the redirect? *memorize Make sure the goal we’ve set is clear. If it isn’t clear, I NEED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THAT and clarify the goal. (very important in being fair).
List all the steps of the redirect Hint: There are two parts, each part has 4 steps. *memorize PART 1: 1) Redirect ppl ASAP 2) Confirm facts, first, review mistake together. Be specific. 3) Express how you feel about mistake and impact on results 4) Pause - be quite. Allow ppl time to feel concern about what they’ve done. PART 2: 1) Tell them “you’re better than they’re mistake.” 2) Remind them that I have confidence and trust in them. I don’t expect a repeat of your mistake and look forward to working with you. I’m here to support success. 3) When the redirect is over, it’s over.
On what note should the redirect be ended and why? *memorize End redirect on a positive note. "I have confidence and trust in you and look forward to working with you."
How do you know that a redirect was done incorrectly? If the employee is defensive.
What happens when people are defensive? They don't own their mistakes.
On which order should you be: A) Tough & nice or B) nice & tough A) Tough & nice In that order. It does not work the other way around. Always tough first.
What should I encourage others to do if they notice me making a mistake? why? To speak up! So I don't make the same mistake again in the future.
Should performance reviews be an ongoing process or done annually? Ongoing process.
When should you fire people? When they've shown that they can do something, but won’t do it.
You should only hire two kinds of people: 1) Winners 2) Ppl with potential to be a winner - systematically help that person become a winner.
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