Working Memory Model


A-Levels Psychology (PSYB2 - Memory) Flashcards on Working Memory Model, created by Adam O'Rourke on 30/05/2013.
Adam O'Rourke
Flashcards by Adam O'Rourke, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam O'Rourke
Created by Adam O'Rourke over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Episodic Buffer Allows for integration of information Helps link experiences, memories and information
Evaluation of Working Memory Model Emphasis on active processing rather then storage Shows the significant role of memory and processes in language etc Patterns of deficits of brain damage can be explained using this model Little attempt to deal with long term memory
Visuo-Spatial Sketch Pad Manipulates visual and Spatial info Stores visual info encoded from verbal stimuli Limited capacity therefore difficult to do 2 things at once Medin - It helps with awareness when moving in relation to objects
Logie Examined the role of the working memory using a complex computer game Play the game while either carrying a visuospatial distractor or verbal memory distractor task The visuospatial task affected motor elements of the game while the verbal memory task disrupted verbal elements of the game Shows the separation of visuospatial and sound bases components, also that they have a limited capacity
Robbins Chess players had to memorise chess piece positions. One condition had to generate random letter sequences (disrupt the central executive) One had to repeat a word over and over while learning (articulatory suppression) Articulatory suppression had little effect, disrupting the central executive affected performance Shows that central executive was important for learning and the phonological loop was not needed for visual info. Also shows the separation of the two components
Central Executive Most important element of memory, involved in problem solving, decision making and recall from LTM Controls attention, planning and synthesising (combining info) Can process any info Limited Capacity
Phonological (Loop) Store Primary Acoustic Store (inner ear) Articulatory Loop (inner voice)
Paulesu Used PET scan to study the nature of the Phonological Loop. Asked people to either store a series of letters or mentally rehearse the sound of the letters. PET scan monitors blood flow. Rehearsal of the letters was associated with Broca's area, storing them was associated with another area.
Working Memory Model Baddeley and Hitch developed Atkinson and Shiffrins model of the STM The STM is like a computer screen while the LTM is more like the hard drive
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