Created by abi.harmer
almost 12 years ago
Question | Answer |
Gerald Aylmer | Only historians who feel that everything must be ascribed to one particular theory or set of causes find it necessary to reject all other interpretations |
Lawrence Stone (neutralism) | Up to the last minute the great majority of the gentry were anxious to avoid armed conflict |
Alan Everitt (neutralism/localism) | In a world with poor communications... it was inevitable that most people should be concerned with the fortunes of their community |
Ann Hughes (localism/neutralism) | England was not a grouping of self contained counties where the gentry were interested in little outside their backyards |
Oliver Cromwell (religion) | Religion was not the thing at first contested for but god brought it to that issue at last |
Sir Philip Warwick (personal loyalty) | Old bold Britons were loyal |
H.R Trevor Roper (economics) | With discontented peers to lead them and city money behind them the mere gentry were prepared to challenge the court |
Derek Hirst (personal loyalty) | The peer's recognition that they were the main beneficiaries of the hierarchy of order of which the crown was both the symbol and the pinnacle |
John Morill (personal loyalty) | Some, perhaps a majority, tried to balance their conflicting loyalties as best they could |
Gerald Aylmer (economic/personal loyalty) | Monopolists, tax-farmers and others with special privileges tended to be royalists, and most others parliamentarians |
Gerald Aylmer (age) | The parliamentarians tended on average to be older men than their royalist opponents |
Declaration of the Gentry of Cheshire (neutralism) | The king and parliament...both so rooted in our loyal hearts that we cannot disjoint them |
Sir Philip Warwick (geography) | The south bordered so much upon London that, like the east, they were not at their own liberty |
Ann Hughes (geography) | Social and economic divisions within the counties weakened the importance of the county community |
R.H Tawney (economics/class) | It was an increase in wealth and influence of the squirearchy compared to the nobility |
Christopher Hill (economics/geography) | Support from the parliament came from the economically advanced south and east of England, the king's support came from the economically backward areas of the north and west |
Mark Kishlansky (geography) | In general the north and west were strongly royalist, the south and east were predominantly parliamentarian |
Gerald Aylmer (economics) | The economically advanced were for the parliament; the economically backwards, the less populous for the king |
Derek Hirst (geography/neutralism) | The conflicting principles acted as magnets to the areas around them |
Ann Hughes (class) | The leading gentry were more conscious of the need to preserve the social hierachy |
John Morrill (class) | The war was not the result of social divisions. Gentry, yeomen, tradesmen fought in equal numbers for king and parliament |
Mark Kishlansky (constitutional belief) | It was principle that made compromise impossible and bloodshed inevitable |
John Morrill (constitutional belief) | By the summer or 1642 there were no constitutional grievances left...the constitutional issues were the occasion of the civil war but not the efficient cause |
Christopher Hill (class) | The civil war was a class war...the established church and conservative landlords, and on the other side stood the trading and industrial classes |
Sir Thomas Knevett (class) | Which no other than a great many men of quality do |
Trevor Roper (class) | The independents were not 'rising gentry' they represent a class which Professor Tawny has overlooked, the declining gentry |
Gerald Aylmer (class) | The larger part of the rural areas...were for the king...this corresponded to a class division. Although no social group was 100%, on either side, they were divided in varying proportion |
Rudyard Kipling (constitutional belief) | Many moderate men, who had hated Charles' unlawful government and applauded all the work of this parliament during its first 9 months, now threw their lot in with the king |
Brian Manning (constitutional belief) | There also appeared in the ruling class, a popular party which saw the growing threat of a coup by the king to crush the opposition |
Gerald Aylmer (constitutional belief) | Within the upper social groups (the gentry in particular), differences of political or constitutional outlook were perhaps decisive |
Lawrence Stone (constitutional belief) | There is reason to think that those who had opposed the crown on purely constitutional and political grounds in the 1620s and 30s tended to swing back to the king ... in 1642 |
Lawrence Stone (religion) | In Yorkshire, over one third the Royalist gentry were catholic and over half the parliamentarians were puritans |
Sir Edmund Verney (personal loyalty) | I have eaten his bread and served him near 30 years and will not do so base a thing as to forsake him |
Christopher Hill (personal loyalty) | The gentry are wholly by their states and ambition, more dependent on the king |
John Morill (religion) | There was an Anglican party before there was a royalist party and those who rushed to join the King in 1642 were clearly those motivated by religion |
Lady Brilliana Harvey (religion) | It is the lord's cause that we have stood for |
Jonathan Langley (religion) | My conscience tells me they both intend the protestant religion |
Richard Baxter (religion) | It was principally the differences about religious matters that filled up parliament's armies |
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