World War One key information


A-Levels History (World War 1) Flashcards on World War One key information, created by elspeth on 21/05/2013.
Flashcards by elspeth, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elspeth almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Schlieffen Plan The German war plan before the First World War. The plan was to avoid the possibility of fighting Russia and France simultaneously by defeating France in the time it would take the Russian Army to mobilize, thought to be around six weeks.
Murder of Franz Ferdinand 28th June 1914 by Gavrilo Princip
Triple Entente Russia, France and Britain
Triple alliance Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
Phase One 1914- The race for the sea After the British and French halted the German advance through Belgium and northern France in autumn 1914, both sides raced to control the nearby North Sea coastline.
Phase Two 1915-1917. Static trench warfare A front line was established running through Belgium and Northern France. The two sides established trench systems The war was primarily in a situation of stalemate.
Phase 3 1918- a war of movement again. The German high command decided to launch one final push against the allies on the Western Front in the Spring of 1918. initial successes were short-lived and by November, the allies had defeated the German army on the western front.
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