What do you know about the present continuous?


Here you will confirm your knowledge about the present continuous.
Ana kennedy
Flashcards by Ana kennedy, updated more than 1 year ago
Ana kennedy
Created by Ana kennedy about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The present continuous is about an action that is happing at the moment of talking. True or false True. It is also about calling someone's attention about something happening by using: Listen!, Look!, etc.
Do you know some expressions used to talk about the present continuous? Some expressions are: Now, right now, at the moment, today, Look!, Listen!
Which is an example of the present continuous? 1. Cats eat mice. 2. Look!, That cat is eating a mouse. 2. is correct because it states what is happening at the moment of speaking.
Listen!, Andy is signing in the bathroom. This is an example of the present continuous. Yes, just like the case of Look!. It refers to the present continuous.
What do you think your friends are doing right now? Which is the correct answer? 1. I think they are chatting. 2. I think they sometimes chat. 1. I think they are chatting is the correct answer.
In negative sentences, place the word "not" immediately after to be. True or false? This is true. For example: He is not helping in the kitchen.
Something important to remember is to use the verb to be at all times. True or false Yes, Use it as follows: I am She, he, it is You, we, they are
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