Genevan Catechism


Flashcards on Genevan Catechism, created by Etarlety Taveras Taveras on 15/07/2018.
Etarlety Taveras Taveras
Flashcards by Etarlety Taveras Taveras, updated more than 1 year ago
Etarlety Taveras Taveras
Created by Etarlety Taveras Taveras almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
P. 1. ¿Cuál es el fin principal del hombre? R. El fin principal del hombre es el de glorificar a Dios, y gozar de él para siempre.
2. Why do you say that? Because He created us and placed us in this world to be glorified in us. And it is indeed right that our life, of which He Himself is the beginning, should be devoted to His glory.
3. What is the sovereign good of man? The same thing.
4. Why do you hold that to be the sovereign good? Because without it our condition is more miserable than that of brute-beasts.
5. Hence, then, we see that nothing worse can happen to a man than to live without God. It is so.
6. What is the true and right knowledge of God? When we know Him in order that we may honour Him.
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