Unit 11


Flashcards on Unit 11, created by Sonam Bhuka on 10/01/2018.
Sonam Bhuka
Flashcards by Sonam Bhuka, updated more than 1 year ago
Sonam Bhuka
Created by Sonam Bhuka over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
HRM Human resource management: an area of management which covers recruitment, compensation and training, for example
clerical jobs = Büroarbeiten, Schreibarbeiten: for example, keeping staff records and processing the payroll
job sharing is a way of flexible staffing: refers to part-time staff on permanent contracts, often of interest to a parent with a young child
longlisting the initial screening process; means reviewing applications and CVs
a trial period = probationary = Probezeit: period before a permanent contract is offered
a) salary b) wage a) for white-collar staff, paid monthly b) for blue-collar staff, paid hourly or by piecework
the payroll a list of all employees and how much each one earns
headhunting the activity of discretely approaching employees of a company and try to hire them
the appraisal process a formal process by which an employee's performance is measured and discussed by a supervisor
the aptitude = Fähigkeit, Talent: a natural ability to do something well or to learn it quickly
an arbitration = Schiedsgericht: a place where a judge makes a decision which is legally binding
collective bargaining = Tarifverhandlungen: the process by which management and unions form an agreement
a court injunction = Einstweilige Verfügung: an order which directs workers to do (or not to do) particular activities
picketing = Absperrung durch Streikposten: tactic of an union; getting consumers to stop buying the company's products
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