English Lang Exam


GCSE English Language Slide Set on English Lang Exam, created by Matthew Fyall on 06/12/2015.
Matthew Fyall
Slide Set by Matthew Fyall, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew Fyall
Created by Matthew Fyall over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    English Language Exam

Slide 2

    Question 1: 8 marks, 12 mins
    What do you learn? or what do you understand? Point :what do you learn? Evidence: Add a quote Smart: Say something smart

Slide 3

    Question 2: 8 marks, 12 mins
    Picture/headline/text HL - how is it effective? engage? interest? devices? punctuation? Pic - colours? position of objects/people (mise on scene)? angle? Link both to text through Q's - link effect or what has been noticed  Headline Headline to text Picture  Picture to text

Slide 4

    Question 3: 8 marks, 12 mins
    Thoughts/feelings How are these portrayed in the text? Where is the change? Use synonyms

Slide 5

    Question 4 - 16 marks, 24 mins
    Compare language in source 3 and another Words and devices How are they the same or different? Effects of devices - opinions vs. facts?

Slide 6

    Question 5: 16 marks, 24 mins
    Writing to inform/explain/describe something that has happened to you

Slide 7

    Question 6: 24 marks, 30 mins
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