

marketing and promotion
Hannah Morris
Slide Set by Hannah Morris, updated more than 1 year ago
Hannah Morris
Created by Hannah Morris over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Marketing and Promotion of the Product
    Produce a Website  Establish an Audience through Social Media  Make a Trailer

Slide 2

    Produce a Website
    Creating a website for the film would allow people who are interested to get in touch with the producers of the film, find out new information about it and also advertisements featured, on social media links, there would raise the profile.

Slide 3

    Establish Audience through Social Media
    Social Media helps to promote things worldwide, allowing it to become more well known. it also helps to create a 'buzz' around the product. This particular promotion method has been done through, which is a blog site and classes as social media. We could also use this to promote the website.

Slide 4

    Make a Trailer
    Allowing your viewers to pre-view your film before it is released is important as it creates an excitement around it for when it is actually released. This in turn will gain more viewers as people could stumble upon the trailer by accident and find that they like it and then send it on to friends and family members or they could have been sent it by said friends or family members.
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