five direct drivers of change in nature slide by human group


1-changes in land and sea use, 2-direct exploitation of organisms, 3-climate change, 4-pollution, 5-invasive alien species
diver alarm
Slide Set by diver alarm, updated more than 1 year ago
diver alarm
Created by diver alarm over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 2

    First Driver
    The land is converted for human usage is 30 % of our world. Human converts untouchable lands to suitable for cultivating, building cities, mining, and having other basic needs by destroying forests. Increasing human population increases using of land and sea. Change in land and sea use greatly affect carbon dioxide generation, hydrology and geomorphology change, and biodiversity. So water quality resulting from changes in sea and fish harvesting changes the marine ecosystem. These make human and ecosystems vulnerable to changing climates.

Slide 3

    Second Driver
    Overexploitation is consuming a renewable resource until it reaches a low point. These natural resources are such as wild herbs, grasslands, wild animals, fish stocks, forests and water. Increasing human population, overhunting etc. finish the sustainable resources rapidly. So species will be in danger of extinction. At last, excessive consumption of biological resources and organisms includes human economic activities.   

Slide 4

    Third Driver
    Climate is the general weather conditions of a region. In general, climate change is caused by the intensity of the sun, volcanic eruptions and greenhouse gas. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas used in electricity generation, heating and transportation, atmospheric methane gas resulting from excessive farm animals production cause greenhouse gas. Some results: The atmosphere and oceans are warming, the amount of snow and glacier is decreasing, the sea level is rising, the sea floor, coral reefs are damaged, the oceans are acidifying, floods and drought are increasing, pests, diseases and epidemics are increasing in forests. it rains drier and more. 

Slide 5

    Fourth Driver
    Invasive alien species are plants, animals, pathogens and other organisms that are not specific to an ecosystem and they can cause economic or environmental damages or affect human health. They cause the decline or death of native species. They damage the ecosystem and biodiversity. The rise of nitrogen and phosphorus causes the rise of invasive algae that consume too much oxygen or invasive toxic algae. Overfishing in the oceans and seas, and the increase in ornamental fish trade cause the proliferation of invasive species.

Slide 6

    Fifth Driver
    Pollution causes negative changes in the natural environment. Pollution can be in the form of chemicals or energy, such as noise, heat, or light. They are air pollution, light pollution, garbage, noise pollution, plastic pollution, soil pollution, radioactive pollution, thermal pollution, visual pollution and water pollution. Excessive use of fossil fuels, excessive accumulation of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers in nature affect ecosystem and biodiversity negatively.
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