77. People Are Happy When They're Busy


Slide Set on 77. People Are Happy When They're Busy, created by Alexis Dahlberg on 03/09/2018.
Alexis Dahlberg
Slide Set by Alexis Dahlberg, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexis Dahlberg
Created by Alexis Dahlberg over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    77. People Are Happy When They're Busy
    77. People Are Happy When They're Busy
    You land in an airport, walk 10 minuted to baggage claim and wait 2 minutes for your bags. How impatient did you feel? You land in an airport, walk 2 minuted to baggage claim and wait 10 minutes for your bags. How impatient did you feel? They both take 12 minutes, but there's a big difference between the two. Research shows that most people would rather be busy for the majority of an activity than standing and waiting. 

Slide 2

    There was an experiment where the participants needed to fill out a form and then take it 15 minutes away or take it right outside the room and then wait for 15 minutes.  A lot of people are lazy and would rather just wait. But the people who wanted to walk the form 15 minutes away reported higher happiness scores.
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