2. Web Technology Basics


TYPO3 CI 2022 (Pre-Release) Quiz on 2. Web Technology Basics, created by Pascal Bartl on 10/05/2022.
Pascal Bartl
Quiz by Pascal Bartl, updated more than 1 year ago
Pascal Bartl
Created by Pascal Bartl almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which HTTP response status code indicates that an error occurred at the server side? (1)
  • The HTTP status code 301
  • The HTTP status code 404
  • Any HTTP status code between 500 and 599
  • Any HTTP status code below 200

Question 2

Which HTTP response status code should a web server (or web application) send to inform the client that a resource was moved to a new location? (1)
  • The HTTP status code 100 to instruct the client that further requests are required to complete the request
  • The HTTP status code 200 to indicate that neither a client nor a server error occurred
  • The HTTP status code 301 if the resource was moved permanently, or 302 if the resource was only moved temporarily
  • The HTTP status code 404 as the original resource was not found
  • The HTTP status code 504 as the resource has been changed on the server which means that it’s a server error

Question 3

What is the main difference between the HTTP response status codes 301, 302, 307, and 308, given that they all redirect a client to a new location? (3)
  • Web servers may only send the status code 307 if the client made a request through HTTPS, whereas the code 301 is valid in HTTP and HTTPS
  • The status codes 307 and 308 return the new URI but explicitly instruct the client not to follow the redirect
  • The status codes 307 and 308 explicitly instruct the client to use the same method (GET or POST) when requesting the resource at the new location
  • The status code 308 explicitly instructs the client to use HTTPS rather than HTTP when requesting the resource at the new location
  • The status code 301 indicates that the resource has been moved permanently, whereas the code 302 indicates a temporary change
  • The status code 307 indicates that the resource has been moved temporarily, whereas the code 308 indicates a permanent change

Question 4

What is a regular expression? (1)
  • A rule that the TYPO3 Association developed for the TYPO3 Code of Conduct
  • An expression that is regularly used in the web technology to securely encrypt passwords
  • A technology that allows users to specify search patterns for texts
  • A configuration language to define virtual hosts in the Apache HTTP server

Question 5

Which of the following statements about the regular expression /^(cute)*(kitty)+/ are correct? (3)
  • It matches the input “cute” as the word “kitty” is optional (due to the quantifier +)
  • It matches the input “cutekittycat” as the regex does not feature the $-character that would define the end of the input
  • It matches the input “etucyttik” as the order of characters is arbitrary
  • It does not match the input “fookitty” as the input does neither start with “cute” nor “kitty”
  • It does not match the input “cutekitty” as the input must not start with the word “cute” (due to the quantifier *)
  • It matches the input “kitty” as the word “cute” at the beginning is optional (due to the quantifier *)

Question 6

Which of these terms does the regular expression /^foo.bar[1-9]?$/ match? (1)
  • foobar
  • foobar6
  • foo2bar123
  • fooobar1
  • foobar1
  • foo123
  • fffoobarrr
  • bar9
  • 123foobar123

Question 7

Which regular expressions match the term “Image 42”? (2)
  • /^[A-Za-z0-9][a-z]?\s[0-9]{2,4}$/
  • /^Image[0-9]+$/
  • /^[a-z]{1}[a-z]{1,}[0-9]{1}$/
  • /^\w{1,5}\s\d+$/
  • /^\d[a-zA-Z]*\s42$/
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