Chapter 13 Practice Test


NCLEX Nursing (N14 Health Promotion) Quiz on Chapter 13 Practice Test, created by N R on 06/07/2021.
Quiz by N R, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by N R almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

A nurse is defining stress to a person. Which of the following statements should the nurse should make?
  • Happy events, such as the birth of a child, are rarely as stressful as unhappy events
  • An event that requires any change in behavior in stressful
  • All stressors create a challenge to health
  • Once stressors are identified, they can be controlled

Question 2

The nurse is conducting community education about stress. Which of the following statements should be made by the nurse?
  • Stress always has a negative effect on the body
  • A moderate amount of short-term stress can make a person more efficient and goal-focused
  • Long-term stress is useful in helping one to meet goals
  • Stress always has a positive effect on the body

Question 3

A nurse is discussing the various types of stress to a group of adults. Which of the following would be used as an example of eustress?
  • Increasing alcohol intake to deal with loss of a job
  • Avoidance of social activities because of anxiety
  • Severely limiting food intake as a way to control stress
  • Joining a cardiac rehabilitation exercise program after a myocardial infarction

Question 4

A nurse is caring for a person who has experienced a minor injury following a fall. Which of the following physiological responses to stress would the nurse anticipate?
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Lowered respiratory rate
  • Elevated blood supply to the gut

Question 5

Which of the following statements concerning spirituality is correct?
  • Spirituality is a search for the meaning of existence
  • To fully experience spirituality, one needs a religious affiliation
  • Stress always strengthens the quest for spirituality
  • Spirituality always prevents depression, which is common following a stressful event

Question 6

A nurse has stated that the person she is working with demonstrates stress hardiness. Which of the following individuals is most likely being described?
  • Refuses to see family members after the nurse practitioner tells him or her about test results
  • Conducts Internet research to learn about the latest treatment options for a health deviation
  • Calls in sick when faced with a personal relationship problem
  • Views stressors as negative life events

Question 7

A nurse is describing adults who are in the sandwich generation. Which of the following provides the best description of this term?
  • Middle-aged adults who are starting a family at an older age
  • Young adults who are beginning to find jobs, marry, and start a family
  • Middle-aged adults who are caring for children and aging parents
  • Young adults who have several small children

Question 8

A nurse is collecting health assessment data about a persons coping mechanisms in relation to stressors. Who would provide the best source of this information?
  • Persons primary care physician
  • Persons spouse/significant other
  • The person
  • Expert objective analysis skills of the nurse

Question 9

A nurse is assisting a person to cope with stress. Which statement by the nurse would be the most helpful?
  • Most people in this situation feel the way you feel.
  • Tell me what this event means to you
  • There are many support groups available for you to use.
  • Your family wants to help you through this stressful event. May I call them?

Question 10

A nurse is counseling a person on how to effectively deal with stress. Which of the following actions would the nurse recommend the person take first?
  • Recognize signs of stress.
  • Take action to reduce stress.
  • Connect warning signs with stressors
  • Develop effective coping skills

Question 11

A nurse is providing education to a community support group about ways to decrease stress. Which of the following would be the initial nursing intervention discussed by the nurse?
  • Explain how support groups function
  • Demonstrate deep breathing techniques
  • Practice guided imagery techniques
  • Help people to identify their response to stress

Question 12

A nurse is explaining the relaxation response to a person. Which of the following statements would be most appropriate for the nurse to make?
  • When the relaxation response is used, your sympathetic nervous system is activated and your pulse rate slows down
  • The relaxation response helps you to become more aware of your surroundings
  • Deep breathing is very effective in relaxing muscle groups and relieving stress
  • Holding your breath for 10 to 15 seconds will reduce your blood pressure and pulse rate

Question 13

The nurse conducted a community health education program about the benefits and limitations of alternative therapies. The nurse recognizes that learning has occurred when a participant makes which of the following statements?
  • Acupuncture is a technique that can be easily learned and practiced
  • Hypnosis can be safely used by a licensed hypnotist to treat all cases of anxiety
  • Reiki is a type of massage that can be used to relieve stress
  • Herbal products must be used with caution because some can interact with prescription medications

Question 14

A nurse responded to a natural disaster and used expressive writing as a means of coping with the stress related to this experience. Which of the following benefits of expressive writing should the nurse expect?
  • Immediate relief of stress through storytelling
  • Insight into the personal meaning of the experience
  • Absence of the symptoms of stress
  • Feeling a great sense of relief immediately after making a journal entry

Question 15

A nurse is helping a person reduce stress-disinhibition related to poor dietary choices. Which of the following nursing interventions would be most appropriate?
  • Work with the person to develop a plan to slowly replace high-fat, high-calorie foods with more healthy choices
  • Encourage the person to eliminate all high-calorie, high-fat foods from the diet as quickly as possible
  • Give the person a standard list of low-fat, low-calorie foods
  • Provide the person a copy of the Food Guide Pyramid

Question 16

The nurse is assisting a person to develop a positive attitude toward exercise. Which of the following nursing interventions would be most successful when working with this person?
  • Educate the person that 60 minutes of moderate to strenuous exercise a day is required to lower the risk of heart disease
  • Suggest that the person participate in a formal exercise program that has been demonstrated to produce the best results
  • Educate the person that exercise patterns established in young adulthood are more effective than those established later in life
  • Suggest that the person walk at a moderate pace for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week for improvement in physical and psychological health.

Question 17

A nurse is helping a man restructure his eating, sleeping, exercise, and thinking patterns to reduce stress. Which of the following nursing interventions would be most effective for this person?
  • Encourage writing in a journal on a daily basis
  • Suggest joining a support group.
  • Offer referral to individual or group therapy sessions
  • Promote purchasing a gym membership

Question 18

A nurse is demonstrating how to use effective communication when dealing with conflict. Which of the following statements would be most appropriate for the nurse to make?
  • I am so angry that you are late again that you are grounded for a week
  • When you miss an appointment, I am hurt
  • Because you cannot be on time, you cannot have the car for a week
  • I feel anxious when you do not come home on time because I worry about your safety

Question 19

A nurse is educating a client about the four-step approach to active listening. Which of the following actions should the nurse suggest the client take first?
  • Formulate a nonaggressive response
  • Mirror the persons feelings
  • Hear what is being said
  • Listen to the response

Question 20

Which of the following statements concerning enjoying healthy activities is true?
  • People enjoy pleasant activities even when they are stressed
  • People cherish happy activities and feel that such activities are important even during times of stress
  • People generally feel that they deserve to be happy
  • People who have hobbies are better able to handle stress than those without hobbies

Question 21

A nurse is assisting a client in values clarification. Which of the following actions should the nurse assist the client to complete first?
  • Develop a religious affiliation to assist with the process
  • Identify what is meaningful in ones life
  • Act in a way that is consistent with ones beliefs
  • Use beliefs held by others as a guideline for life

Question 22

The nurse is caring for a person who is obese, sedentary, and has recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Which of the following goals for the person is correctly stated?
  • The person will exercise more often
  • The person will consume 900 calories a day
  • The person will walk one-quarter mile a day, 5 days a week
  • The person will eliminate all refined sugar and processed foods from her diet

Question 23

A nurse is caring for a person who has a diagnosis of Sleep disturbance related to stress as evidenced by excessive daytime fatigue. Which of the following nursing interventions would most likely to assist this person?
  • Encourage daytime naps
  • Encourage exercise one hour before bedtime
  • Encourage a cool shower before bedtime
  • Encourage a consistent sleep-wake schedule

Question 24

A nurse is educating a person about the process of cognitive restructuring. Which of the following actions should be taken at the end of this process?
  • Take a deep breath
  • Select a realistic alternative thought
  • Reflect on the situation
  • Stop generating negative thoughts

Question 25

A nurse is explaining the concept of presence. The nurse should include that presence means that the person:
  • is in the same room as another
  • multitasks in order to examines all aspects of a situation
  • sets goals in response to what another is saying
  • practices active listening and focuses on what is being said

Question 26

A nurse is educating a group of adults about stress management strategies. Which of the following examples would the nurse include in the presentation? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)
  • Participation in a swimming class
  • Keeping a food diary as part of a weight reduction program
  • Joining a smoking cessation support group
  • Setting a goal of walking one mile a day

Question 27

The nurse in the pediatric oncology unit is working with a family whose toddler has been diagnosed with leukemia. The nurse can best assist the family to deal with this extrinsic stressor by doing which of the following? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)
  • Setting treatment goals for them until they are able to do so themselves
  • Encouraging them to talk about their concerns
  • Discussing relaxation techniques such as guided imagery with them
  • Asking them if they would like to meet with a member of a pediatric oncology support group

Question 28

A nurse is defining stress to a person. Which of the following statements should the nurse should make?
  • “Happy events, such as the birth of a child, are rarely as stressful as unhappy events.”
  • “Stress is a state of threatened homeostasis that triggers an adaptive response.”
  • “All stressors create a challenge to health.”
  • “Once stressors are identified, they can be controlled.”

Question 29

Which of the following comments best illustrates the technique of active listening?
  • You sound upset about the committee’s recommendations
  • I heard your remarks when you addressed the committee last Tuesday
  • I have been listening to many people speak to the same issues you raise
  • I noticed that you were listening intently when the chairman was speaking

Question 30

Which of the following statements concerning hobbies is true?
  • Attention to hobbies diverts energy which should be used to deal with stressors
  • Hobbies can help manage stress and are encouraged
  • Hobbies promote perfectionism which, in turn, typically adds to stress
  • Hobbies should be limited to monthly activity until stressor(s) resolves

Question 31

Which of the following statements is correct concerning affirmations in the context of stress management?
  • Creating and coaching care recipients in the use of affirmations requires specialized training
  • A therapeutic affirmation can be either a positive or a negative thought
  • Repeating an affirmation throughout the day can reduce stress
  • All of the above statements are correct
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