5.1 The Fluid Templating Engine


TYPO3 CD 2020 (zweite Auflage) Quiz on 5.1 The Fluid Templating Engine, created by Pascal Bartl on 09/04/2021.
Pascal Bartl
Quiz by Pascal Bartl, updated more than 1 year ago
Pascal Bartl
Created by Pascal Bartl over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which statements about “Fluid” and the MVC concept are correct? (2)
  • The templating engine “Fluid” implements the view in a MVC-based system
  • The templating engine “Fluid” acts as an interface between the controller and the model
  • The FluidController class can bypass the controller and read the content from the database directly if required
  • Data (for example objects retrieved from a repository) should be passed from the controller to the view

Question 2

Which statements about partials are correct? (3)
  • All partials should be stored in one central file
  • The purpose of a partial is to contain a small piece of recurring code
  • A partial can only be included in template files, but not in layout files
  • A variable var can be passed to a partial by using arguments="{var: var}"
  • Partials only support the HTML format
  • Partials can be nested recursively
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