Treaty of Versailles Quiz


Treaty of Versailles quiz, enjoy!
Quiz by SwagDaddy101, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by SwagDaddy101 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What was the hope of the majority of the delegates from 32 countries who met in Paris in January 1919 after the end of the First World War?
  • They wanted to punish Germany
  • They wanted to reward France
  • They wanted a peace which would 'end all wars'

Question 2

In reality, who made the decisions regarding the contents of the Treaty of Versailles?
  • The 'Big Three', Lloyd George (Britain), Clemenceau (France) and Wilson (USA)
  • The Germans and their allies
  • The Swedish, as they were neutral

Question 3

Why did the two German delegates at the Conference sign the Treaty of Versailles if its terms were so harsh on Germany and they had had no opportunity of negotiating?
  • Because they had changed their minds and thought the Treaty was fair for Germany
  • Because they were forced to
  • They thought they had been quite successful in their negotiations

Question 4

What had been the expectations of the Germans regarding the Treaty of Versailles?
  • They expected it would be based on President Wilson's Fourteen Points, with its six key principles
  • They had expected to come out of the negotiations on top
  • They had expected to be totally ignored

Question 5

What did the Germans think of the Treaty of Versailles?
  • They thought it was perfect and were happy to be offered such a generous reparations settlement
  • They thought it was quite good but were unhappy with some clauses such as the war guilt clause
  • The Germans hated it; they had not been allowed to negotiate, they considered the 'war guilt' clause "a lie" and they hated having to pay war reparations.

Question 6

What did Lloyd George think of the Treaty of Versailles?
  • He thought it was too harsh, saying "We shall have to fight another war again in 25 years"
  • He thought it was perfect, saying "I am thrilled that we will get German colonies and that they will pay for his costly war."
  • He thought it was useless, saying "This treaty does not address the real issues in Europe."

Question 7

What did Woodrow Wilson think of the Treaty of Versailles?
  • He thought it had achieved nothing
  • Woodrow Wilson thought the Treaty was far too harsh
  • He thought it was perfect because the USA got a good deal

Question 8

Which examples prove that self-determination was not realistically maintainable?
  • Both Alsace and Lorraine were once again taken by Germany from the French
  • Britain and Italy
  • Yugoslavia did not survive as a united country and Czechoslovakia was annexed in stages by Nazi Germany in 1938 and 1939

Question 9

Why did the American Senate refuse to sign the Treaty of Versailles or join the League of Nations?
  • Because many Americans did not want to get involved in Europe after the Great War
  • Because The Treaty did not totally agree with what their President, Woodrow Wilson, had wanted
  • Because they wanted to punish Russia

Question 10

In what way was the Treaty of Versailles a compromise?
  • Between Germany's desire to reconstruct and France's desire for revenge
  • Between Germany's desire to hold on to Alsace-Lorraine and France's desire to take them back
  • Between President Wilson's Fourteen Points with his desire to make a "just peace" and the French leader Clemenceau's desire for revenge
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